Overall, Ketu is an enigmatic planet that represents both spirituality and suffering. Alchohol, Non-vegetarian food, etc are all considered poisonous. Ketu represents the fire element in the human body. Since, it is at this point that you receive Ketus blessings. Switching jobs is quite frequent in these natives. In Western Astrology, Ketu is known as tail of Dragon. Native may face hurdles in earnings and financial matters. Ketus astrological significance in Libra Sign. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? Jupiter is a Large and Incandescent planet of Solar system. Alternatively, having Ketu in this position can also mean having problems or complications in marriages and other close romantic partnerships. However, they can also be prone to mental instability and addiction. Read further to find out how the planet of mysteries, detachments and hardships affects your life. Let us find out how? With its ability to illuminate hidden patterns and greater meaning behind events and circumstances, it is truly one of the most illuminating forces within astrology. The first house or Ascendant is the house of self. Ketus Mahadasha is for seven years in general. ABODE. Kundali Dasha & Remedies News: Colour of All Planets in Astrology - he visible light which is a mixture of seven colors gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red . It does not store any personal data. Morning hours around sun rise is the time of Ketu. This is the house of secrets, fears, the subconscious mind and isolated places. When Ketu is in some of the Houses, it afflicts the wearer. The Gods were terrified and they went to Lord Vishnu and Shivay asking them to stop Ketu from taking over the gate. Thus, ascetics are those people who have been blessed by Ketu. Overall, Ketu plays an important role in astrology by providing information on key aspects of ones life and personality. Ketu is considered responsible for moksha, sannyasa, self-realization, gnana, a wavering nature, restlessness, the endocrine system and slender physique. Ketus placement in the 7th house is not considered very auspicious in the Vedic astrology. Astrological / astronomical symbol for Ketu, . Other aspects of the 4th house like peace of mind, happiness and matters related to family and property also tend to be a matter of worry in natives life and should be properly taken care of. Lunar Eclipse (an essay of 4 articles). Ketu expands your spirit to incorporate everything they have designed on Earth, it is just that men need to open up slightly to ensure they can reach those heights. Regularly chant the mantra Om Durgaye Namaha 108 times every Wednesday. The native becomes angry immediately. Therefore, it is believed that those with Ketu in the 5th house are invested in whatever they pursue, be it family life or any other pastime or endeavor. Presence of Ketu in the house of career, wealth and intelligence makes the native have a deep approach towards his family as well as his life. This duality can be seen as a reflection of the opposing forces of the material world and the spiritual world. Ketus astrological significance in Aquarius Sign. It is also known as the dragons tail and is often considered an evil planet. Their influence is only a portion of the chart. . Rahu and Ketu represent poisons. Cauda is also another name of Ketu given in western astrology. The person might behave crazily when Ketu is in conjunction with the Moon or is opposing it. Ketu Mahadasha lasts for seven years. The native also likes to take part in spiritual and religious activities so that he could attain fame and name in those fields. Consult with Astrologer for Career and Success. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu represents strong desires, and Ketu represents materialistic detachments. Let's look at important things here - Ketu - Ketu represents Isolation, Separation, Spirituality, Mystical World, Other Dimension means things related to Alien World. However, if other planetary influences are positive or supportive, such as with Jupiter, Saturn or Venus, then Ketu can actually encourage union and promote lasting marital relationships. Thus, fearing him would only take you away from this wisdom, this doorway. Cancer and Leo are enemy signs. . This coincides with the precessional orbit of moon or the ~18-year rotational cycle of the lunar ascending and descending nodes on the earth's ecliptic plane. Ketu is your hearing capability. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), 2nd House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, 3rd House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 4th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 5th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 6th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 7th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 8th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 9th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 10th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 11th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 12th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart. This is the point where the maximum population is stuck. An example of the humor of Ketu is Charlie Chaplin (very unusual, unconventional, unpredictable and silent). Ketu induces strong religious feelings in the native and provides ultimate peace to the soul. Plus, it also signifies Natives courage, short trips or running errands etc. In astrology, Ketu is often seen as a hindrance or hindrance, particularly in the physical realm of life. The planet Ketu is a cruel planet although it has a spiritual aspect to it as well. Interestingly, despite these different descriptions of Ketus appearance, there appears to be some consistency between these texts in describing him as red and poisonous, with an elevated body and arms. The two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu have also been assigned colors in Vedic astrology. Often we associate Ketu to be a malefic influence in our lives but that is never the case. This also helps promote balance and harmony in our lives and reduces Ketus negative impact on our well-being. Hard working individuals, quite harsh often, such people love to do their own things at their own pace and own time. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. These people are likely to struggle to have a good relationship with their family. Ultimately, Ketu is a complex planet with both positive and negative connotations. As far as remedies for Rahu and Ketu are concerned, Tuesday is considered as the day for Ketu. For example, the planet Venus is typically associated with marriage and relationships, while its marriage karakatwa is about how it affects specific marriages on a micro level. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasise every positive quality of the planet. Ketu is in charge of the Ashwin, Magha and Moola constellations. For example, if one has Ketu in their 7th house, the home associated with marriage and partnerships, it can drastically alter how they approach these types of relationships. Therefore, whatever amount Ketu sits in gives the result to the native accordingly. Graha (if translated from Sanskrit) means "the one that controls". Ketu Today, Crossing the Galactic Center . Ketus astrological significance in Pisces Sign. When Moon moves from North to South in its orbit and crosses Sun's path the incision point is called Ketu, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Rise above the mundaneand material..says Ketu, the planet of detachment! The native should keep himself away from the bad company. However, it is also believed that by following the path of Spirituality, the native can reduce or cancel the negative effects of Ketu. Ketu represents the fire element in the native. These people have the propensity of acquiring knowledge and they tend to earn a lot of fame throughout their life. Quite sharp minded, these people are clever enough to know how to use others for their work. The native might succeed spiritually from this aloofness and eventually gain materialistic pleasures. This detachment can be seen as a lack of desire for the things associated with that particular home. Rahu is going to transit from Taurus to Aries on 12th April 2022 till 30th October 2023, which is a fire Sign. Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". Due to Ketu, the nature of the native is hard. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are friendly planets to Ketu. Ketu is a cruel planet by nature like Mars and Ketu also represents many areas represented . What is the difference between Vedic and sidereal astrology? Click here. Native who has a weak Ketu can wear the Ring, 330 Million Deities Blessings seeking Puja, Lord Shiva's Archana in Shravan Purushottam Maas with Bilva Patras, Shiva Shakti Mala Indonesian with Red Sandalwood beads, Shiva Shakti Mala Indonesian with Brown Sandalwood beads, Shiva Shakti Mala Indonesian with Mercury beads. Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Because 4th house also represents mother and motherly love, Health of native's mother tends to be a matter of concern in native's life. Rahu represents the tall while Ketu represents the short persons. Throughout the show, he is seen on the Fire Lantern Sailboat alongside Shaman Aditya where his boat represents the element of fire. Ketu, the south node of Moon represents a sign or a banner. They grow spiritually but then quite late in life, do they actually learn spirituality. It represents prosperity, sudden income and good wealth. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". A house cat can go missing for months and always seems to find its way back home. Ketu is said to be a very powerful planet and can have a profound impact on our lives. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He is known to save the ones afflicted by the Sun God. According to Vedic astrology, Ketu is the planet of spirituality and enlightenment. Positive Significations: There is a much deeper side to Ketu and it has been called the most spiritual of all planets. Get free Aries daily horoscope prediction today online from the best astrologer. However, Ketu understood his Dharma very well. It can also make natives relationship with his colleagues and associates a little hostile he should give a proper attention in order to preserve a good relationship with the people around. One of the most influential aspects in astrology is that of Ketu, often referred to as the shadow planet. When Ketu is placed in the 11th house, it mostly gives positive and favourable outcomes in the natives life. Rahu Ketu Legend. Ketu is also representative of supernatural forces. Ketu itself is the planet of detachments. Whether we are concerned with marriage or our general spiritual development, understanding karaka and karakatwa can help us better understand how these powerful cosmic forces affect our lives. Native might turn out to be self-centred, talkative, moody at times. The flag shaped body of Ketu rises above and beyond the Sun often. Rahu was born to Simhika and Viprachitti. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! It is said that if Rahu sits in an auspicious position in the horoscope of a person, then luck is brightened but if not placed well, then a person might face economic and social status loss. It also represents birds like eel, sea fish, bats and owls. Funnily after a long wait, one day he opened his eyes and deputed Ketu for the job. This card usually carries the meaning of disillusionment and abandonment of things which have not been emotionally fulfilling. Jyotisha is Hindu astrology, which entails concept of Nakshatra (see also List of Natchathara temples), Navagraha (see also List of Navagraha temples and Saptarishi included in the list of Hindu deities whose dedicated temples are found at various Hindu pilgrimage sites to which Hindus take pilgrimage yatra. In ancient astrology texts, the names of Ketu are associated with different ideas and concepts. Precious metals & Gems So, provide help to the most ignored and poor beings and donate Grey coloured clothes to them. We will be very grateful if you help developing this project by sharing this page. Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere, and do not correspond to a physical planet. To help overcome the negative effects of Ketu, it is essential to practice worship and devotion. It can create confusion, verbal spat and emotional. Ketu the ascetic that wants to go beyond the mundane life and achieve the final liberation. According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. These are the people who tend to have a way with word and are quite expressive. Native is driven towards enlightenment and erudition as their ultimate goal in life. Strong influence of Ketu leads the person towards the detachment with the worldly matters and leads him or her towards salvation. In Astrology, Ketu represents hindrances and problems in the physical arena of life, but also intelligence and mental brilliance. The Fourth house represents Natives childhood, mother, motherly love and nourishment, home, real estate, early childhood and the way theyre likely to treat their family. Match making and Relationship Consultation on Call. Ketus role is often focussed around the negative aspects of life. The diseases indicated by Ketu are Cancer, Leprosy, Paralysis, Poor Blood circulation, Anemia, Pain in joints, diseases related to nerves. In panel D, the scale bars represent 50 m and 20 m in the lower and higher magnification images, respectively. In the world of astrology, Ketu is often associated with Rahu due to their many similarities. Although, when in case of afflicted Ketu in this house, it complicates the natives bond with its siblings. It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantakapushes the one towards to death. They are said to reside in forests and are considered fearsome and windy in temperament. Animals such as pigs, goats, cows, sheep, and chicken are often sacrificed. These people are strongly inclined towards unearthly realms and there is a good likeliness that the native will opt Astrology or occultism as a profession. Each Rashi, being a specific zone in space and time, is responsible for certain areas of life for each person on planet Earth. Since Leo represents creative and performing arts, Ketu in Leo takes away that sense of joy from the natives of Leo that was derived through arts. But the physical body of each Graha is only a small fraction of the whole concept of the term "Graha" as the planets representing Grahas are only terminals or visual forms. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. In this way, they can start working with Ketus energy instead of against it, harnessing its power to create positive change in their lives. It also represents other people, like your public life. Worship Lord Ganesha with the mantra - "Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha". But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Those with Ketu in this position may see children as a burdensome responsibility, or they may simply not feel inclined to have children at all. Ketu also signifies the influence of Mars conjoint with Saturn. Likewise, Ketu presides over many different aspects of life, including worship, silence, and the pursuit of knowledge. Its placement here in the house of pilgrimages, luck, fortune, spirituality and higher learnings accents that nature of Ketu and the native travel more and more in order to amplify his spiritual and philosophical learnings. Its the house of pleasures. According to Indian astrology, the planet Ketu is known as the descending node of the Moon. Ultimately, Ketu is a complex planet with both positive and negative connotations. She discovered her love for astrology at a young age and has been studying the subject ever since. In order, they are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. It is by this trait that Ketu assesses us and our understanding, and determines our worth. Ketu in Vedic Astrology. Ketu is the remainder of the body without the head because he enjoys being alone and away from all worldly things; on the other hand, Rahu is the polar opposite. Ketus characteristics involve a lot of different attributes, let us look at them one by one. Friends Planets: Ketu is a friend of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. If benefice is also supportive, you can surely make it big. In ancient astrological texts, Ketu is described as having a fierce and frightening aspect. Success, Name & Fame In Astrology: Everything You Need To Know, On Chaitra Navratri 2023 Day 9 Pray To Maa Siddhidatri For Better Health, Danger Ahead!! Put together some mishri, black lentils, gomed stone, and some silver in a small white cloth and either hang it at your homes entrance or bury it at the entrance. Ketu signs and nakshatras: Ashvini, Mul, and Magha nakshatras are Ketu's nakshatras. Rahu is a shadow planet. Ketu gives the impulsive Sagittarius some weight, makes them more serious, deeply spiritual and Ketu often finds his greatest disciples in such Sagittarian species. What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card? According to a theory posted on , The Fool card represents care-free, bohemian spirits. This position also makes the native vulnerable to injuries due to weapons, heat, animals or insects. The Lunar Eclipse occurs when Ketu, Sun and Moon lie in the same zodiacal longitudinal access. And Moon doesnt share a friendly bond with Ketu. So, prefer propitiatory charities for crows, street dogs & sweepers respectively on these days. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. But Rahu is more dangerous to the Moon and Ketu to the Sun. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Rahu as we know is one the most important planet for massive fame and success and when Rahu sits in the 10th house or 9th house and makes a connection with the lords of the 5th, 9th and 10th house, this directly means that the person is destined to be famous in his lifetime. Ketu increases the positive effects of house where it is situated. The native tends to be renowned, wealthy and successful in his life. But since the natives mind is controlled by the Earth element, the native would be mentally stable. Each planet has a distinct impact on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. Westerners don't consider these planets while analysing birth chart to give prediction on one's life. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Ketu is a fascinating astrological influence, representing a kind of detached or otherworldly energy in the natives life. According to ancient classics, such as Parasharas description of Rahu and Phala Deepikas description of Ketu, they have a smoky appearance with a blue tinted physique. Chinese Zodiac. Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. This, in turn, is not a good characteristic of a professional person. With help of our unique Favorability Chart You can evaluate favorability of any moment in time with help of numerous parameters of vedic astrology. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Ketu is said to be a planet of transformation and can help us change our lives for the better. 3) Ketu represents the most downtrodden and despised. Because 4th house also represents mother and motherly love, Health of natives mother tends to be a matter of concern in natives life. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Read your Aries Zodiac Sign horoscope today! 5.0 out of 5 stars What a , A Marvel fan seems to have figured out the real reason why Bruce Bannerplayed by Mark Ruffalocould not transform into Hulk at will in last years Avengers: Infinity War. Ketu is an important planet in astrology and can help us understand our past, present and future. For example, Ketu is said to be the karaka of the maternal grandparents. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ketu_(mythology)&oldid=1127203516, Articles needing additional references from November 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 12:54. It seems that he has mastered things related to the house in which he is placed. Ketus body is flag shaped, according to the Matsya Puran. There could be frequent conflicts, misunderstandings and arguments between native and his partner which could further lead to separation as Ketu depicts detachments. Hessonite stone bestows wealth, success, power, fame, spirituality and good health upon its wearer. These people have a bent towards matters concerning religions and spirituality. According to the legend Chandra was supposed to visit each Nakshatra in strict order, without giving preference to any wife. Ketu in ascendant gives the native a dynamic and magnetic personality. The marital life of the native might suffer because of certain health issues affecting ones sexual life. Ketu is representative of the abdominal portion of the body. Rahu is also believed to bring about changes in the residence, friends, and purpose of its natives. Rahu is considered to be black while Ketu is brown. Anytime Astro So as to seek out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use our free Kundli Maker. Karaka is a concept in Indian astrology that plays an important role in determining the events and outcomes of our lives. Hence, Ketu is believed to be responsible for causing the Eclipse of the Moon.[5]. Business Astrology: What Combination To See For A Successful Business? True rahu longitudes are the actual figures as per observatories, while mean rahu figure is based on its mean motion, it is always retrograde whereas true rahu figures may become direct though rarely. You can take care of street dogs as Ketu seems to reside in dogs. It also represents eagle, peacock, pheasant, whale, dolphin etc. This is because cats always return home. An afflicted Ketu in the 1st house might also affect natives health and stamina. As per Western Astrology, rahu is considered as benefic whereas Ketu is malefic. Reciting or listening to Vishnu Sahastranam and thereafter offering a Coconut in the running water of a river, calms down Rahu. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ultimately though, Ketu offers an intriguing glimpse into the mysteries of life and our place within it. It is often described as the dragons tail and is traditionally considered a very spiritual planet. Mars represents animals like tiger, wolf and other savage beasts, elephant, hunting dog. Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just starting to learn about the subject, Anna's blog is a must-read. Take care of them, and then you can make Ketu happy. Cauda is also another name of Ketu given in western astrology. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In panel A, the scale bar represents 50 m. It develops relationships with every person just to serve its selfish interests. Saturn represents animals like cat, asses, hare, wolves, bear, crocodile, serpents and venomous creatures, buffaloes, camels. Products The products represented by them are meat, wine, eggs, radish, coconut, sacrifice of animal's etc. Therefore, they can glue their heads to their body . While karakatwa is the planetary domain through which these events take place, affecting everything from marriage to knowledge of animals. As per Astrology, Rahu guards the paternal grandfather while Ketu guides the maternal grandmother. Ketus role in Vedic Astrology is more about the psyche of a human being. Furthermore, both Rahu and Ketu are described as intelligent and with an intense gaze that conveys their fierce natures. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Those with a strong Ketu influence on their rankings are often in search. Ketu energy provides access to a higher level of spirituality. All rights reserved. Ketu is friendly to Jupiter, and is enemies to Moon, Mars and Sun. It is that abundance that connects you to the entire Universe, that untapped knowledge flows through you with Ketus blessings. The role of color is properly emphasized everywhere. Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc. The 8th house in Vedic astrology represents marriage, corporate resources and the property or money inherited. Additionally, Ketu is also connected to darkness and other pitch dark phenomena such as mosquitoes and owls. It is believed that by feeding the ants, you can escape the wrath of Rahu. Article #3: Important classical rules, Ganesh Chaturthi, 16-17 of September, 2015. This position also makes the native vulnerable to injuries due to weapons, heat, animals or insects. Ketu is milder in comparison of Rahu. It might give ill fame if badly placed. According to the Brihat Jataka, Ketu is known as Sikhi, or the dragons tail, signifying its role as a point of stagnation in the ecliptic that brings stability and change. It cannot be rightfully called a Mahadasha. Lack Of Money, Growth and Business Problems? Hence, they get to travel a lot and are likely to have good earnings from it. This placement, however, Is not considered very favourable for the natives father as they could face difficulties in their health. Ketu is the descendant from the devil clan, belongs to the Dhrum Varna, and is from the Gemini gotra. While these may seem like negative associations, they can also represent wisdom and mystery. Travelling for the native proves to be fruitful and productive. Tabular representation of the Influence of Ketu in various Zodiacs, Ketus astrological significance in Aries Sign. The products represented by Ketu are Tamarind, Banana, Lemon, Black Lentil, Sword, Musk, Blanket, Sugar, Mixed seven grain, Saffron, Lead. Chinese zodiac years begin/end at Chinese New Year (in January/February). Any questions related to Ketu in Astrology How does it represent isolation and spiritual evolution?? The 11th house is a strong indicator of sudden wealth and gains. The Pisceans hold a lot of beauty in their heart that is enhanced by the presence of Ketu in their charts. In some cases, having Ketu here will cause a person to completely hate the idea of marriage, causing them to avoid commitment or avoid marriage altogether. Now that you know a lot about Ketu, let us find out what and how it influences each Zodiac Sign. Mongoose is the only animal that can successfully defeat a . Grahas are also Devatas (Deva is the Sanskrit term for male-deity, Devi - the Sanskrit term for "female-deity), which are the sources of energies that structure everything in our world. Presence of Ketu in this house also indicates the tendency of native to develop an interest in the subjects like occult and mystical science. Ketus astrological significance in Gemini Sign. Additionally, lighting a ghee lamp under a peepal tree on Saturday has proven to be an extremely effective way to appease the planet Ketu and alleviate its harmful influences. Smoky appearance, blue mixed physique, resides in the forests, hideous, windy in temperament, intelligent. In the Vedic tradition, there are many corrective measures that can be taken to reduce the negative effects of Ketu. People often term such people as mad but it is just this growth that Neptune has brought into humans that people cannot comprehend mostly. Ketu is the remaining body of Rahu and is represented as a headless body with 4 hands in the color of smoke. It is associated with the overall personality of the native, both in the inner and the outer shell. Acolyte Ketu is one of the two acolytes featured in the former Disney's Animal Kingdom attraction, Rivers of Light alongside Acolyte Ambu. The person tends to be kind and charitable and most likely to be famous because of his nature and devotion towards his work. But he is always concerned and anxious because of his children. KETU. Answer (1 of 5): Ketu represents mindless wandering, spirituality, peculiarity, obsessive complusive disorders, blind faith in God, shadow planet. Besides, theres also a chance of more than one marriage. When these two completely opposite planets come together, the native suffers a constant confusion. Ketu also promotes the natives to worship God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other gods, bathing in the holy Ganges, great penance, knowledge of Brahma, observing silence as fasting, philosophy, mantra shastra. Rahu is also associated with politicians and occult sciences. Ketu is the tail of the serpent that was separated and cut off, and he therefore fears rejection. Crows in mythological literature represent forefathers whereas Ketu represents spiritual people.