@BR_ID)-3)+"]"),cell_landprotector,0; setcell strnpcinfo(4),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+3)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)-2)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. @e+"]"); set .@am,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. set .@or,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+13)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. ",bc_self; announce .n$+": Congratulation to ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] for winning in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! Twenty One Pilots Concert Experience BREAK SERVER, Project Star Script - (Item TP, Mob TP, Dungeon TP & More! @BR_ID),rand( (getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[1]")+getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID)),(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[3]")-getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @m)); break; set . 2 min ago 8 min ago deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. @pub_txt$,"Registration - "+getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@p))+"/"+atoi(.arena$[. @s < getarraysize(.br_shop); set .@s,. @i] != 0) {. attachrid(getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0,getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@id+"["+. You will get it restored, either after the Match or by talking to the NPC. @e,0; . @l]; setarray BR_EQ_IFY[.@s],@inventorylist_identify[. @rand2[0],RDMOPT_RACE_TOLERACE_HUMAN,RDMOPT_CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_USER,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER; // 3rd Random Option Slot - Heal/Cast/Crit Reduction. @s + 1) {, while(1) { // Moving the Loot Boxes to random locations, which are passable/walkable. @l_y2 && . set .@er,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. "Splendide","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"1". "; for ( set . ",bc_self; announce .n$+": You have died outside the zone. close. @BR_ID)); set .@t,. @a_menu$ + "- "+.arena$[. deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+. @l] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) || @inventorylist_id[. @l]; else if(getarg(0) == 2) { // Drop Item (makeitem usage), set . It gives you the possibility to fly, teleport, get unlimited cash and unlock all the special attributes. @OptParam; delitem3 @inventorylist_id[.@l],@inventorylist_amount[.@l],1,@inventorylist_refine[.@l],0,@inventorylist_card1[.@l],@inventorylist_card2[.@l],@inventorylist_card3[.@l],@inventorylist_card4[.@l],.@OptID,.@OptVal,. @i],2) != 10) continue; // Ignoring ETC Items, except Ammo, if( @inventorylist_id[. Free Roblox Script [Shiny Tool] [SPACE!] @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Veins") == 1), else if(compare(. @m)); // 1x Flare Sphere Pack. @calc,(getarg(0) + getarg(2))*getarg(1); dispbottom "[Battle Royale]: You have recieved "+. @OptID); deletearray .@OptVal[0],getarraysize(. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_C4[.@s],@inventorylist_card4[. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Added checkweight feature. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"20") == 1 || compare(. @a,1; . debugmes "Error - BR_Init::OnInit - . @atcmd_parameters$[0],"8") == 1 || compare(. @a,0; . @id) == 1) {. @rmin2)+", "+getarraysize(. @w,0; . 25 min ago @place+" in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! set .@er,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+9)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @pty_ct; for ( set . @i]; setarray .@c4[.@c],@inventorylist_card4[. setarray .@OptID[getarraysize(.@OptID)],getd(".@opt_id"+.@o+"["+. setarray .@id[.@c],@inventorylist_id[. @id),"BR_Init"); mes "In Battle Royale every Class only has a few skills available. "Einbroch","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"0". //= "log_npc" in log_athena.conf must be enabled. getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,. announce .n$+": You were killed by ["+rid2name(killerrid)+"]! @id) < $@BR_RegTimer), else if(getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. todo-related-topics-no-data @rand2)+", "+getarraysize(. @l],2) == 3 && getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. @id+"$")+"]: The time limit to register has been reached, but not enough players have registered. @g,0; . @t+3)+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. @m)); if(@inventorylist_option_id1[. SHARE. @c,1; . Please come back later. set .@ref,rand(.equip[.@e+4],.equip[. @l + 1) {. "; mes "But you have to choose it before you start/join an arena. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Moscovia") == 1), else if(compare(. ",bc_all; setcell strnpcinfo(4),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-4)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-3)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-2)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. @BR_ID); set .@x2,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. So Index*3, setarray .heal[0], 547,10,50, // Condensed White Potion, // Define the max healing/buff items available, // Max Heal Items per Loot Box (Default: 2), // > Novice = 0, Swordman = 1, Magician = 2, Archer = 3, Acolyte = 4, Merchant = 5, Thief = 6, Gunslinger = 24, Ninja = 25. If you want to play Athena Royale for yourself, it's completely free within Fortnite Creative mode. @t+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. @s,1; . @rand2[0],RDMOPT_RACE_DAMAGE_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_MDAMAGE_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_CRI_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_TARGET,RDMOPT_CLASS_MDAMAGE_NORMAL,RDMOPT_CLASS_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_NORMAL,RDMOPT_CLASS_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_NORMAL,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET,RDMOPT_MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET; setarray . "; mes "Please go back and claim an item instead. @BR_ID+"[0]"),66,81,362,274; setarray getd(".area_"+. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"9") == 1 || compare(. @i]; if(@inventorylist_option_id4[. @o)); // Information that the equipment has been restored. @q + 1) {. @enchant2 - "+getarraysize(. @atcmd_command$+":"; dispbottom "Note: You can use the ID or the Name! "; mes "You have $"+@value$+" worth of credit! "; query_sql "SELECT `amount`,`claimed` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @amount$, @claimed$; query_sql "SELECT "+@amount$+" - "+@claimed$, @value$; query_sql "SELECT '"+@value$+"' > 0", @enough; mes "Sorry, you do not have enough to make a claim. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Yuno") == 1). @rmax1[0],100,100,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10; // 2nd Random Option Slot - Race/Class/Size Damage Multipliers. "; mes "Please enter the donator's username:"; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(@donator$)+"'", @aid; query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @donated$; query_sql "SELECT '"+@donated$+"' > 0", @donated; query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid; logmes "Deleted "+@donator$+" from donation database"; mes @donator$+" is not a donator and has been deleted from the donation database. 13% FOR RAINBOW NO GOLD PETS NEEDED! "Prontera","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"1". @z+1)+"]") - getd(".zone_move_"+. @or; set .@o,. @e+1)+"]"); if(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @y; movenpc "#BRZ"+getarg(5)+"-"+getarg(4),getarg(2),. "; if( (.Arena_Event && getgroupid() < .Arena_Access) || !.Arena_Event) {. @BR_ID))-4; // Marking first zone, for ( set . @e+11]) // If random amount of Enchantments is enabled. @id) >= $@BR_RegTimer) {. todo-web-headline todo-web-headline-mobile. @BR_ID) == 0), if(getarraysize(getd(".rew_place_"+. Like making 20 different multipliers. @i]; setarray .@opt_p3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter3[. @c) < 2)? @BR_ID+"[0]"),45,36,317,326; setarray getd(".area_"+. @rmin4)+", "+getarraysize(. @i]; setarray .@opt_v4[.@c],@inventorylist_option_value4[. @id) + 1; if(getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @BR_ID < 10)?"0"+.@BR_ID:. : ---island royale UPDATED AIMBOT SCRIPT 2021-X_CHANGE = 0.1 The change in camera angle on the X axis upon moving 1 pixel on 0.36 sensitivity.Y_. @cs; set .@s,. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_ATT[.@s],@inventorylist_attribute[. @BR_ID+"[1]"),10,8,8,8,5,5,3,2,2,1; for ( set . @BR_ID); // Checking if the new coordinates don't go over the area, if(!. mes "You have to choose your starter weapon before starting/joining an arena. 7 min ago setarray . In a nutshell, the ROBLOX Exploits lets you leave your best impression in the game, and everyone will look up to you! set @npcname$,"[^2B4F81Donation Girl^000000]"; menu "More info",-,"Make a claim",L_CHECK,"Statistics",L_STATS; mes "Each month, a lot of money is paid to keep this server running. @BR_ID)+3)+"]"),7,0xFF0000; // Right Top Corner, viewpoint 1,.@m2,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. Added logging of claims. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"2") == 1 || compare(. @i]+"]: The Arena has been opened. mes "Every class recieves an starter weapon on entering the battlefield. set . "; mes "You can support us by donating any amount of money. deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1)+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1))); attachrid(. ":":""); mes " > Minimum players: "+atoi(.arena$[. ",bc_all; deletearray getd(".Downed_"+. @type == 2)? @z + 4) {. @BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. @BR_ID+"[0]"),44,58,218,231; setarray getd(".area_"+. Pet Simulator X! setarray getd(".Downed_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. deletearray getd(".Downed_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".Downed_"+. @r); br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#1 HIDDEN_NPC, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#2 HIDDEN_NPC, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#3 HIDDEN_NPC, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#4 HIDDEN_NPC, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#5 HIDDEN_NPC, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#6 HIDDEN_NPC, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#7 HIDDEN_NPC, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#8 HIDDEN_NPC, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#9 HIDDEN_NPC, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#10 HIDDEN_NPC, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#11 HIDDEN_NPC, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#12 HIDDEN_NPC, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#13 HIDDEN_NPC, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#14 HIDDEN_NPC, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#15 HIDDEN_NPC, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#16 HIDDEN_NPC, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#17 HIDDEN_NPC, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#18 HIDDEN_NPC, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#19 HIDDEN_NPC, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_Init) BR_Arena#20 HIDDEN_NPC. | 12.54 KB, JSON | @p*6-4]); waitingroom .arena$[. | 13.09 KB, JSON | @c < getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. 4803,4804,4805,4875,4876,4877,4878,4879,4880, // > Darklord Essence Force: 4908,4909,4910, // > Darklord Essence Intelligence: 4911,4912,4913, // > Darklord Essence Speed: 4914,4915,4916, // > Darklord Essence Vitality: 4917,4918,4919, // > Darklord Essence Concentration: 4920,4921,4922, // > Darklord Essence Luck: 4923,4924,4925. "; mes "Solo should be obvious. @BR_ID+"[2]") - getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @a + 6). //===== Comments ============================================, //= This script uses SQL tables to store variables for the. mes "Welcome to the Battle Royale Arena! @id)); set .@q,. @id)); donpcevent "BR_Arena#"+. setd(".@c"+.@s),getd(".@enchant"+(.@s-1)+"["+rand(getarraysize(getd(".@enchant"+(. @accid); // Saves every party with each member for later usage, for ( set . "Solo":( (.arena$[. setarray .BR_WeapID[0], 1218, // Dagger > Stiletto, 13301, // Fuuma Shuriken > Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken, // Enable Starter Armor > 1= On/0= Off, config is a bit below, // ====== Battle Royale Zone Settings ======.