I'll clean your rooms for a year, I'll be Lola's maid for a month. said Lynn Sr. "Well you're no longer bad luck." "We thought you would go nuts!" Lynn was standing in the doorway, her foot in a kicking position, surrounded by her 9 sisters. The angry yells of her parents made Lynn crawl deeper under her bed, kicking long-forgotten balls aside. Luke Loud said Lori. Would telling her make anything better? It was a drawing of a stick figure Lynn, protecting a stick Lincoln from more stick figures, who were supposedly bullies. "Whoa! She was not trying to show it in front of Lincoln and Clyde though. Luna slides a plate of half a meatball sub out the doggie dog. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Biggest butt in the house, baby! He sneaks up behind Lynn and pokes her on the spine, landing the first point.]. Lynn: *angrily* What do you want, suckers? He was pulled out of the room and the chaos, dragged down the stairs, all the way to the backyard. She then scores more baskets. Or with any of her siblings. That was the only feminine point about her, the rest of her body could be mistaken for a boys. If you have any questions or things you wanna say, you can either DM me on Instagram (@eclecticallyem) or either ask me on Tumblr(also @eclecticallyem). Lincoln said and Lynn was confused by what Lincoln said. I'm bringing you the very first chapter of The Trouble With Lynn here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Occupation Middle school studentBabysitter In a world where metahumans and superheroics are common place, Lincoln Loud is just trying to get through each day with as little fantastical chicanery as possible. Lincoln took a deep breath at his sisters reaction, hoping for the best for what he was about to say. Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. His older sister was more of the demanding type, and saw pleading as showing weakness. The silence was broken when the thirteen-year old girl finally opened her mouth to say, Or else, Ill feel guilty. She said it in barely a whisper, hugging her knees. said Lynn. All of the Loud siblings knew what their oldest sister was talking about, and all of them had experienced it. Earl: And now, ladies and gentlemen, the archery contest! Who will emerge victorious? "We're putting this whole thing behind us." Not many of those days were left behind, but there was one place that still held many of their memories. "To find Lynn and apologize to her. All of the Loud siblings knew what their oldest sister was talking about, and all of them had experienced it. She's my favourite athlete! I also have Deviantart too, under the same username, but would like to avoid any contact on it since I barely use it(Only contact me through it if absolutely necessary). Alexander is Latino with messy hair and hes about a foot taller than Lynn and very skinny.]. "Son we're glad you're here." She is named after her father. Lynn screams in terror and falls off the couch, but when she gets back up it was just the head of the squirrel mascot. Then sold my stuff. Sure he lied to get free time, but you were the cause of all of this." Hey, you wanna come by and practice golf? More of Loud House Omniverse will come out soon. [The girls start lunging forward with their hips square to their bodies.]. La navidad no siempre es esa fiesta hermosa y familiar que pensamos, hay veces en que realmente es una mierda. ], [Alexander does a somersault while dunking the ball.]. [Lynn takes another shot and the ball bounces off all the trees and into a gophers mouth, but then the gopher spits it into the hole. However, now that. THIS STORY IS FOR THE REALLY LOUD HOUSE CAST, NOT THE ANIMATED SERIES! The Louds pushed Lynn outside the back door and locked it. After r You were new to royal woods. Nadia: Great! She's a monster, she deserved it." Luan laughed and her siblings groaned. Paula: I dont know yet. We both wanted something and it ended up being rejected and being the laughing stock." Lynn asked. Lincoln had absolutely no idea of what Lynn was planning to do, but he had a feeling it wouldnt be good. What gives?!" I get it, I made you life miserable." When they saw Lincolns swollen eye, they all gasped and started attacking him with their equipment. Lucy had brought him a potion that she claimed would instantly cure him, but crashed into Leni, spilling the green liquid over his bandages. "But seriously put it on!". "So I have to wear this all day? Fanfiction; Fantasy; Historical Fiction; Horror; Humor; LGBTQ+; Mystery; New Adult; Non-Fiction . Old wax crayons and papers were scattered all over, and of course, Lynns balls naturally were there, too. Lincoln let out a small yelp of pain, and his hands instantly covered his swollen eye. Then his one of his estranged, metahuman sisters drops by for a visit, and that becomes significantly more difficult. Luan tried to take Lincoln's temperature, but was cracking up from making puns about his eye and accidentally stuck the thermometer in his ear. "Well I tried to return it, but I placed the coach in the hospital due to the smell." Or was it Ronnie Anne again? She wasnt teasing him about his crush-ever since Ronnie Anne had punched Lincoln after he had kissed her, Lynn always had been wary of the 11 year old girl. Its them? She hissed, anger growing in her eyes. Lynn asked with a angry look on her face. Lori: Anyway, the boys found the ghost in the library and they chased it around with their little zap guns, but eventually, they found out that they didnt need those, because they just told it to leave me alone and it did. Luan opened the back door and throws a pie at Lynn's face. [She turns around, slashes her sword, and gets Roy on the abdomen.]. Lincoln Loud has become responsible for safekeeping the power of Shazam. Lets have a farting contest! "Hitting people isn't going to solve all your of problems Lynn." The little shed was a perfect place to seek comfort with each other, and even filled it with their personal belongings. But it wasnt hers. Luna: And I hope you get to hang with your idol. Leave me alone! But I had to warn the mascot suit to protect them from my bad luck." Earl: This is quite the winning streak for Lynn! "Hey can I come in?" Lincoln started to fidget with some wax crayons, and Lynn absentmindedly started to bounce a tennis ball repeatedly. "We were hippos to our only brother." Margo: We should tell the girls about this! Megan scores a basket, then Lynn, then Lynn again, then Paula, then Morgan, then Megan again, then Morgan again. Status [Lynn can then be heard farting from upstairs.]. Both were covered in bruises and groaning mindlessly. Twenty (or so) years ago in Scotland, Lincoln Loud made a terrible mistake with his oldest sister And then for the following twenty years, he continued making similar terrible mistakes with the rest of them. Lynn tends to turn everything into a competition - her siblings consider this to be her most annoying habit. Danica: It seems that our two contestants are feeling competitive and inventive! I have nine. Brash, sporty, competitive, cool, confident, hot-headed Danica: Rodneys got a hole in two! Lynn was standing in the doorway, her foot in a kicking position, surrounded by her 9 sisters. Plus I will never say sorry for being right.". "I'm very disappointed in you Lynn Jr." Lynn Sr said. She manages to do the jump well, but doesnt do any tricks.]. Its fromgym class.. Lynn asked. However, she simply replied, Yes.. "Oh really did you even see what I went through being lonely. Female "Oh hey. Lynn whine. Lynn and Rodney are neck and neck, with Samantha close behind, Alexander and Olivia in the middle, and Blake floundering a bit at the back. There she is! "Put the head back on!". Danica: Youd better watch out Id be prepared for it! They were laughing together, probably about how they bullied her little brother. She spent the week, conflicted. And I like to give him Dutch ovens. "As you can see at the game where your winning streak ended he had nothing to do with bad luck. No self-insert oc this time. Lynn: Just wait til Im eighteen and we can have a rematch! "Oh come on! Despite their parents words, Lynn and Lincoln had used it as their fort. The twins were fighting over what sort of band-aids they should put on Lincoln, while Lisa zapped Lincoln with her machine. Lincoln walked through the park looking for Lynn until he heard sobbing from behind a tree. Lynn ignored her sisters comments. "But I'm thirsty and it's a oven in here." said Lisa. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, More tags to be added if I can be bothered, Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Una tarde cualquiera, en un da cualquiera (Lynncoln), relationship tags and rating subject to change, Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House). Danica: Lets get into my car and paint the town red! "I think she had enough." Family However, as he grew up, he became tired of being constantly bruised and hit, and converted to video games and comics. "The label said dry clean. Lynnda "Lynn" Lee Loud, Jr. is a main character in The Loud House. "You did that on purpose!" We have so much in common. I do not own Loud House or any images that might be used, I just own my Oc. As she prepares to head off to college, Lynn resolves to spend as much time with her favorite little brother as possible. So knock em dead! Lola: I may not be an athlete, but I love to win, so I hope you do! Despite her age, her short appearance makes it seem like she's a preteen, not a teenager. You had no idea why I went through Even those I apologized you still acted like I was patient zero. Please message me via my pen name, GiovanniGo on FanFiction via the private messaging option. At 14 years old (13 before), Lynn is the fifth-oldest child of the Loud family, and the youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. Lincoln took a deep breath at his sisters reaction, hoping for the best for what he was about to say. Lincoln, crouching down next to wheelbarrow, could see colorful crayon drawings that decorated the shed. her fourteen year old self thought omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- Their parents had strongly recommended not to go in there, since it was falling apart and hazardous. Experimental One Shot. Lynn, though disappointed at first, soon developed affection for little Lucy and the two became close sisters. Danica: Hi, Lynn! Luna enters, listening to music, and shaking her butt.]. Which bully? I know a injury from a fight when Ive seen it-and thats defiantly one. She leaned closer into him. The room instantly became quiet, and the sisters parted enough to reveal Lincoln. Lincoln let out a small yelp of pain, and his hands instantly covered his swollen eye. Lincoln said. ], [She takes off her own sock and shoe and picks her nose with her own big toe. "You we kicked him outside and we sold his stuff! Lynn: Woo-hoo! Then, some rap music starts playing, making Lynn and Danica smile. "Oh come on! Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. Super Louds {Loud house Fanfic} by Many_Fandoms_with_Marie. Lynn groaned. Guilt started to wash inside of her just as she spotted the two bullies by the seesaw. Earl: 30-30! Sam Sharp (as a male) Earl: These two are both strong contestants! Lynn: *excitedly* I got invited to the Royal Woods Junior Olympics, and I get to meet Danica Morgan if I win! "I knew you would come back to your senses." Lynn, I hope youre not planning to do that again. Lori said, her hands on her hips. I was trying to earn the respect for my siblings!" She has a habit of turning everything into a competition. Lincoln Loud was a boy in a family with 10 sisters, which as you know, would be incredibly difficult to live with, but he was accidentally transformed into a lizard huma. "We just want to apologize for our behaviour." Lola: There's those two acting like barbarians again! Lincoln said. By: Flagg1991. "What do you girls want?" Rachel Marsh. She needs to 'come out of the closet' and tell her family who she really is. The anger and thirst for revenge had taken over her body and consciousness, to the point where she forgot her surroundings, the only thing that she could think of was to beat them up. She plastered herself against the wall, trying her best to be concealed from view. Luna Loud: But what about Lincoln? "Can I come inside now?". Danica: The one and only! *preparing my T-60 power armor immediately*. Marshs arm was bent at a funny angle, and she was clutching her stomach with her good arm. "Ugh! Luan: So far, shes got the pole thing covered! He enjoyed solitary pursuits and . Having now beco During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Im bringing you the very first chapter of The Trouble With Lynn here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! . "Shut up! You were 13 years old already moving because of family problems. Hey guys, Emily here. Her feelings for Lincoln, her little brother, are tormenting her. ], [Lynn runs up with a determined expression, grabs the pole, leaps up, somersaults over the bar, and sticks the landing, causing everyone to clap and cheer. Well, yes I can, and you wont be stopping me. Lynn said angrily. Hair Color Loud parents reaction to Lincoln being kicked out, Loud House - Lincoln Gets Busted at the Millers. Then, it shows a montage of Lynn playing all kinds of sports, from baseball, to basketball, to football, and to soccer, and it cuts back to the present. Then, she discovers that. Danica: I have a brother too. Lynn grabs a rock and throws it at a tree, but the rock hits a beehive and the bees came out o the beehive and flew towards Lynn. "You can't do this to me!" If she hadnt thrown that punch, if she had just left Lincoln to deal with his own business, none of this would be happening! Also published on Wattpad and Fanfiction.net. Lincoln said. Lincoln said. Lucy: Sigh. Oh yeah? Danica: And for the next sport, we have a tennis match! He slammed his bedroom door behind him, throwing his backpack onto his desk. Good 56 Favourites. Making you sleep outside and selling your stuff." Lincoln beamed with excitement, but that was short lived with confusion. Youre a girl! Lynn and Lincoln, fully grown up and married, have a wonderful passionate night with an erotic board game. [They line up. Lola asked. said Lynn. "Really?!" That's the way it always had gone in The Loud House, until one day, things go way far. to you. She jabbed a finger at his swollen black eye, and his hands flew up to cover the injury. Who did that to you. She jabbed a finger at his swollen black eye, and his hands flew up to cover the injury. Some time later, the girls are still neck-and-neck.]. said Luna and slammed the door on Lynn's face. Lynn Sr.: *crying happily* Youre the best athlete I know. Was all of this worth keeping from Lynn? Well, Ive got two more idiots for the day.. - Cute one shots. [Cut to the two of them playing golf at Fairway.]. Which is not real." Mrs. Jelinksy: Hey, arent you the girl who ended up injuring my hip? Lynn Sr.: This girls built like a tank! Luna replied. There are all kinds of families, small, medium and big, and this story's about that, a really, really big family. "." "And I think it's a good idea.". ], [Iris runs up to the pole and jumps, but doesnt get over the pole and ends up landing in a heap and losing her glasses. Brash, sporty, competitive, cool, confident, hot-headed, 1216 Franklin Avenue, Royal Woods, Michigan, Power Rangers Avatar Charge Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Legendary Rangers' Grand Battle feat. Lynn looked angry at the rejection, even a little surprised. Lynn Loud stormed to the playground, where she expected Marsh and Conner to be lurking-as always. [They stand on the court. Im watching you, young lady! "Well there is one thing you can do to get back inside the house and your room." *sheepish chuckle* Sorry, maam. *squeals*, [Cut to the girls in Ketcham Park about to practice basketball, when Morgan and Megan arrive.]. Lynn Jr. (Throwing the ball): AH HA! Lynn saying please struck Lincoln odd. She loves to play sports and enjoys roughhousing with her siblings. But I thought that would be too mean. "Hey Lincoln it's Lori." Maybe Lisas rubbing off on him. Lana: Pretty cool how she won an international award when she was only nineteen!