Subscribe to receive 10 exclusive recipes (plus weekly recipe updates!) When done correctly, the oven has the ability to warm up the pie and have it tasting like it was freshly baked. Tip: If you are baking a frozen unbaked pie, you will have to follow the recipes recommended baking time and add an extra 5-15 minutes (depending on the oven). Remove from heat and set aside to cool. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius). Yeah, its ok to leave it out but dont keep it like this for more than 2 day if you dont want it to spoil. Uncovering your apple crisp for its last few minutes in the oven goes a long way to making the topping nice and crunchy. This is why, after one too many half-warmed apple crisps in my lifetime, I finally set out to find the ideal way to reheat this delicious dish. In fact, you will not need any special skills for doing this. Just wrap each with foil and freeze. Pros: Warming up the apple pie in the oven will have it piping hot and it will taste like when it was first baked. How do you prevent the pie from becoming soggy? Second, microwaving often warms foods unevenly leaving cold spots which lead to repeated heating. Please stick around and join me on my journey to create healthy, clean and yummy food for myself and my family. Most pies and pastries can be lightly reheated until warmed through at 200 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, or reheated more quickly at 300 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit if necessary. Reheating apple crumble in the oven ensures it has a relatively crispy topping while doing so in the microwave will make the crumble a little softer. Slice into 8 equally sized rectangles. If it needs to be warmed up further, place it in the microwave for another 30 seconds. Serve immediately. Add your precooked whole apple pie into the air fryer. But as you know, thats not the only way apple pie is kept, is it? How To Cook A Frozen Apple Pie In The Air Fryer To reheat your apple pie in the microwave, be sure to remove the pie if it's in a metal pin and transfer it to a microwave-safe plate. How do I reheat Apple Turnovers? Sweet apple bits, soft cake base this dessert pair perfectly with any drink whether it is tea, coffee, or milk. Using a sharp knife, cut a few small slits on the top of each hand pie, then sprinkle generously with coarse sugar. With this method, I advise sticking to reheating one portion at a time to ensure the apple crisp is warmed through evenly. If you try this apple turnovers recipe, let me know! How To Reheat A Whole Apple Pie? The pie will be piping hot, while the crust will be perfectly crispy, just as you like it. One of the most important factors to consider, with almost any food in the kitchen, is that you should not reheat food more than once. Cook the Apples: Melt the butter over medium heat in a medium pan. 10 Easy & Family Friendly Recipes for Busy Weeknights. Once it is time to reheat the apple pie, there is no point in reheating the whole pie just to have one or two slices. You can leave the apple crisp at room temperature for two days, or you can refrigerate it for up to five days. The rich, stewed apple base is in stark contrast to the sweet biscuit crumble, and its a dessert that is just begging for a topping of thick pouring cream or homemade custard! The best way to reheat apple pie is the oven! Simple, delicious, classic recipe. Place a small saucepan or skillet on low heat, and add water, apples, cinnamon and maple syrup. A good apple crisp is easy to make and generally quite a crowd-pleaser. Get them answered here before you leave us today! 4. Place the pie or slice directly onto the surface of a griddle or skillet preheated to medium-high heat. Remove the apple pie from the freezer and place it on a baking sheet. Spoon 1/4 cup apple mixture diagonally over half of each square to within 1/2 in. The best way to reheat apple turnovers is in the oven (not the microwave) at 350F for about 5-8 minutes. When using your air fryer, make sure not to overcrowd the basket as your pudding will not heat evenly. If you like crisp crust, then use an ovenIf you do not care about all that, then zap away. Theres nothing quite like a warm, sweet apple crisp. However, whenever we preserve a pie by exposing it to frost, sooner or later we face a necessity to reheat a pie. Be sure to keep checking on the slice and take it out within 15 minutes to enjoy a warm slice of apple pie! I will provide step-by-step instructions to the different methods we will look at below, along with a ton of other useful information. Reheat in the oven or toaster oven at 375F for 5-10 minutes until crispy and warm. Defrost it caferully in the oven at 350 F for 30 minutes previously transferring the pie to the fridge to melt a bit. 2,000 Calories is used for general nutrition advice, but calorie needs may vary. Room temperature: If you store it in an airtight container, you can keep an apple crisp at room temperature for up to two days. Exactly How To Reheat Beignets I Test 4 Methods [Pics], How To Reheat Pastrami I Test 5 Methods [Pics]. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. That way, you can remove the slices easily to enjoy when the apple pie craving hits! The method is better suited to a slice of the pie than a whole pie due to the small size of microwaves. A 5-inch pie will take about 12-15 minutes and turnovers will take about 10-12 minutes. After frozen, wrap each turnover in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, then place them in a freezer bag and store in the freezer for up to 2 months. Get the most rated articles on your email! Besides, it cant destroy the dangerous bacteria which may lead to the foodstuff turning hazardous to eat. Roll out one piece of puff pastry on to a greased aluminum foil or a parchment lined baking sheet. Actually, frozen pies need no defrosting at all, as far as I know. Whether your crumble contains apples, pears, blackberries, or any other stewed fruit for that matter, you might be wondering what to do with the leftovers. It is definitely the best way to go and will give you almost the exact same quality when reheated than what you experienced with the fresh apple pie. For those of you who have frozen your apple pie and saved it for a rainy day, rejoice! In a minute or less, you can have steaming hot pie, ready for a scoop of ice cream. It wont get ruined if you pack it tightly with no air inside. Preheat your oven to 350F (180C) and lightly coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. MAKE APPLE FILLING: Begin by peeling, coring and cutting apples into pieces about " wide by 1-2" long. ), Best Way to Reheat Apple Pie: We Look at The Quickest & Different Options. Remove from heat, and cool completely. If you ask us, its not worth the risk! Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (177 C). How To Reheat Dominos Pizza The Right How to Thaw Frozen Pizza Dough (Best Methods). How To Make Apple Turnovers Combine the lemon juice and diced apples in a bowl to prevent them from turning brown. If you still have further questions about reheating apple crumble then these might help you out: Yes, you can reheat apple crumble twice with no significant issues. The perfect apple for apple pie needs to be firm and tart. About | Contact | Terms | Privacy | Recipe Generator. We have found the best way to reheat your apple pie: the oven! Here is how to heat apple pie up in the microwave: If you have some frozen apple pie that you have kept away for a special day, you are still able to warm it up in the oven. Note that the apples warm up much faster than the topping in the microwave. Deep fried apple turnover. Placing the pie in the oven should only be done when the pie is cold, and the oven is hot. Apple crumble is one of the most popular desserts out there. Place your apple crisp on a microwave-safe plate (single portion). You can follow these simple steps for a delicious warm helping of apple pie! Optional: place the apple crisp under a preheated broiler for 2 to 3 minutes. . Spoon apples onto the center of each squares. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare Crumble If it isn't in one already, transfer your apple crumble to an ovenproof dish. cup vegan butter Taking one sheet at a time, lightly brush half of the phyllo sheet with melted butter. A slice of apple pie is going to warm through quicker than the whole pie. Cons: The crust can become soggy and not crispy. Thanks for the recipe and showing me that I could make turnovers myself. This is due to how the microwave heats up food. And if you still wonder how to reheat a pie in the microwave, adhere to our advice: better avoid using that kitchen device for warming up pastries! Afterwards, melt butter over medium heat in a medium saucepan. You should never have to eat cold apple pie, especially when there is a perfectly good way to reheat apple pie, having it taste almost exactly how it did when it was first baked. Simmer to thicken for another minute, then take the pan off the heat and let cool. I just went to teh store so making the turnovers tomorrow. The pastry browns better when brushed with egg wash, but butter is a great egg-free option. If it is, your perfectly reheated apple pie is ready to serve and enjoy! I agree. Remove to a wire rack and cool for 10 minutes. Its okay if its on a foil tray. Asiago vs Provolone: Whats the Difference. Oh heavens, we made up these turnovers this morning and between the buttery pastry and sweet filing, we were in culinary heaven. Immediately reduce oven to 400 degrees F. Place baking sheet in center of the oven. No more will you need to eat a cold apple pie, wondering where your life went wrong. You will need to use your own judgment here, as some ovens bake faster than others. Immediately reduce the oven temperature to 400 degrees F. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and puffed. Roll crescents up and repeat until each are filled. Allow it to cool, and then leave it in the dish you want to bake it in. Bake them for 20-30 minutes or until they are puffed and golden. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium. Cover the pie lightly with some aluminum foil. Make the most of your apple crisp by knowing how long you can store it for. If it is already sliced, it will make sense to wrap each piece even though the procedure will take some time. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. The result is a warm apple pie crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and puffed. If your apple pie is in a metal pin, it must be removed and transferred to a microwave-safe plate to reheat in the microwave. Each time the meal cools down, bad bacteria start growing again making it worse. Thanks for including ice cream with apple pie. Remove from heat and serve (see list below for serving suggestions). Thankfully, thats where we come in! There is no doubt that the oven is the way to go when reheating apple pie. In a bowl, whisk together the milk and powdered sugar until you have a nice thin glaze. Add sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and melted butter. They are made with buttery, flaky puff pastry that's generously stuffed with gooey cinnamon apples and topped with an incredible vanilla glaze. Once it has been cooked and then cooled, it can be enjoyed cold. Thank you so much! Add more water to the saucepan if needed. Add the brown sugar, flour, lemon juice, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Then toss in brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, and salt. Place your apple crisp in a baking tray and optionally drizzle some melted butter over the topping. Outstanding! Keep reading to find out how your apple pie can go from frozen to warm and delicious in minutes! You can also use the microwave to thaw the pie or leave it out at room temperature, but there is the risk of bacteria growth which can cause food poisoning at times. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the strudel is heated through. 5. Brush the turnover with the egg yolk, and then sprinkle some sparkling sugar on top. Im so excited to make this recipe! To make life a little easier for you, you should slice the apple pie before freezing it, so you can easily remove a slice or two when it comes time to be reheated. Leave it to cool slightly before serving with your preferred accompaniment. Place the pie in the oven for around 15 to 20 minutes. You can use the following as a guideline for how long you can keep this delicious dessert. Can You Freeze Cheesecake? The apple crisp will last up to 3 months in the freezer. Set the temperature to 310 degrees F, air fryer setting, and heat until warmed through, about 3 to 4 minutes. Check to see if it has been reheated to your liking. All of these apples have the right properties to make a great apple pie, but all have unique tastes. No one wants to bite into a still frozen part of the pie, do they? To fix a soggy topping, carefully lift as much of it as possible from the filling and spread it out on a baking tray. If you are using the microwave to heat a whole pie, you will need to allow for longer times, but still, check it frequently to avoid cooking the pie instead of heating it through. In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar, milk and vanilla extract. As much as we love this classic fall dessert, though, theres bound to be leftovers especially if, say, youve already filled up on plenty of tasty dishes at your big Thanksgiving dinner. While slicing a cold apple pie is easy, cutting into a frozen apple pie is nothing short of mission impossible! Ideally, food should be cooked through, stored correctly, and reheated once before its destined for the bin. While the apples heated up much faster than the topping (be careful! There are a few options to prevent a soggy bottom, thankfully! Keep a check on the pie, you do not want to leave it in long enough that the crust begins to burn. Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Whilst the air fryer is working its magic make and roll out your pastry. I hope you found value from whatever article you read, and if you have any remaining questions, don't hesitate to contact me! Instructions. Place the pie in oven for about 15-25 minutes (depending on size). This website is full of easy and practical tips on freezing, reheating, dehydrating, or just about anything else you could do with food. It can be a little unusual initially if youve never tried it cold, but its certainly worth having a go. I had always bought pre-packaged frozen apple turnovers until now; such delicious little treats! Psst: Here's How to Reheat Mashed Potatoes, From Good Housekeeping for Dollar General, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Preheat oven to 400. Seal the turnovers tightly. For a standard 9-inch pie, heat for 15-20 minutes. When we have some apple pie left, we may find it somewhat challenging to decide how to warm it up after refrigerating. Mix to a smooth, thick consistency and drizzle over the turnovers. The right apples to use include: Granny Smith apples, Northern Spy, Pink Pearl, Golden Delicious, and Ginger Gold. Never fear; we are going to cover thawing apple pie now! For a whole apple crisp, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and heat for 15-20 minutes. So how do you reheat your apple pie in the oven? We recommend checking on the slice every 30 seconds until it has warmed all the way through. Why do we need to leave the pie to rest for 30 seconds? These are just perfect! Remove the pie from the microwave and let it sit for 30 seconds and enjoy. Also, see below for freezing instructions. First, you need to place the apple pie on the microwave-safe plate and put it in the microwave on medium heat for 30 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350F (180C). If you overheat them, they'll grow tough and leathery. From now on, to reheat a pie without burning pastry will never be a problem for you again! Heat it just until it barely starts boiling, stirring often. I tried three different methods, which included: Spoiler: the oven method was my favorite. When ready, preheat the oven to 400F. To crisp the topping, remove the foil for the last 3 to 5 minutes of oven time. Step 2: Remove puff pastry from your fridge and place it onto an oven-safe baking tray, baking pan, or cast iron pan. Place inside the microwave and heat for 30 -60 seconds. Place the pie into the oven for roughly 15-20 minutes. I was also pleasantly surprised at how well the topping held up. Cover the remaining slices back with aluminum foil or plastic wrap to protect it in the freezer. If you have some apple pie leftovers in the freezer, you need to make sure you thaw the apple pie before placing it in the oven or microwave. Line your fryer basket with parchment paper. Add the brown sugar, flour, lemon juice, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Remove and place onto a cooling rack. Press edges together using the tines of a fork and seal with a little water. It will give you additional days to enjoy the goodie, besides, such a method of stocking doesnt ruin the texture of a dessert. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. What I love about this method is how quick and easy it is. Place some of the apple filling on one half of a pastry square - be sure not to overfill. This site is owned and operated by Elli & Tee Inc. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Add the apples to the pan along with the brown sugar, water, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, and salt. These baked apple turnovers are made fresh daily in your local Club and are excellent for special occasions or daily snacking. It is still the best option to use the oven to heat up an apple pie slice, but in order to keep the insides moist and the outside crispy, you should cover it lightly with foil. Pour this mixture over the dumplings. They were so yummy, and your photos are so beautiful. A pie should always be placed in the oven when the pie is cold, but should only be placed in the oven when the oven is very hot. You Might Like: How to Reheat Pumpkin Pie. No, frozen pies must not be thawed before baking. Place the strudel on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Juice the 1/2 lemon over the apples and add coconut sugar, arrowroot, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and lemon zest. However, if you want to keep it fresher for longer, consider storing it in the refrigerator instead. My name is Jaron. Simply toss it covered in foil to the fridge to keep for extra two or three days. Place on greased cookie sheet. * If you click a link on this page and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I always mess them up and they turn soggy! Whether you are reheating one slice or a whole pie, the oven is definitely the way to go. Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! Apple pie is probably the easiest foodstuff in terms of cooking and the most delicious one in terms of taste! While the oven is the best way to reheat apple pie to ensure it is crisp and moist, you might not be patient enough to wait for the oven to heat up, and then warm the pie through. Does anyone know: can you leave apple pie out overnight if its baked today? The microwave is the quickest way to reheat apple pie, even if you do have to give up some of its quality. For both types, wrap the apple crisp in plastic wrap followed by a layer of aluminum foil. And there you have it! Cut into 4 even squares. Thaw your frozen puff pastry at room temperature for about about 45 minutes or until theyre pliable and easy to work with. (Do You Really Need to do This? From frozen: Allow to defrost. While the microwave is a time-saving option, you must be careful to avoid cooking your pie or being left with a soggy crust! Will it not get ruined after defrosting? Preheat the oven to 400F. You should now have six pieces of pastry. The oven is by far the #1 option to consider when reheating an apple pie. Then repeat the previous step. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy delicious recipes straight to your inbox. The microwave will reheat your apple pie much quicker than the oven, but you do run the risk of a soggy crust. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Stewed apples can spoil if you leave them sitting out at room temperature, so just make sure you wrap your leftover crumble well and get it in the fridge or freezer as soon as you can. In a greased 5- or 6-qt. You can freeze baked or unbaked apple crisp. Continue this process for all turnovers. How to Reheat an Apple Pie in the Microwave? Careful not to let the apples touch the sides of the puff pastry. I made the apple turnovers last weekend! The oven still reigns supreme when it comes to reheating your frozen apple pie, with minimal effort required from yourself, just some basic thawing! Lets jump right into how to warm it up below. This one is a favorite of my familys too! Preheat the oven to 400F and set a lined baking sheet aside. Optional: drizzle some melted butter over the crisps topping. Wrap it in a sheet or two of foil, label the foil with the contents and then pop it into the freezer. That's where the microwave comes in it's the quickest method of reheating an apple pie, although you might have to sacrifice quality for time (read: you'll run the risk of a soggy crust). This is why many of us opt to reheat our apple pie, desperately trying to recreate the warm, fresh out of the oven treat we all crave. While cold apple pie is an amazing experience, if you are someone who just doesnt like it cold and thinks that is blasphemous, then reheating your pie is a must. To reheat apple strudel in the oven, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In the oven, crisp puff or phyllo pastry, crusty loaves of bread, flaky biscuits, and a variety of other baked goods are best reheated. Add to the apple mixture. If you want to know more about thawing and defrosting pie, check out this guide that we made. Can you place a pie in the oven after cooling? If you are lucky enough to have some leftover apple pie in the fridge, you might be excited to warm it up and enjoy the crispy, tangy, sweet tenderness that it offers. It is easy enough to cut off a slice of apple pie in the fridge, but not so easy to saw through apple pie that has been frozen. Put a slice of apple pie on a microwave plate. Reduce heat to low and stir in 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and salt. Keep reading for how to reheat frozen or slices of apple pie! Then, spread it out over the filling once again and serve immediately. . This is definitely the method I recommend for reheating multiple portions of apple crisp all at once. Nothing beats a warm apple pie, does it? Or, maybe, microwave? Remove the pie from the microwave and let it sit for 30 seconds and enjoy. These puff pastry apple turnovers are best and easy to make and the filling is perfect that of an apple pie! Our 25+ BEST Apple Cider Cocktail Recipes, 30+ Decadent Ice Cream Flavors (+Recipes). Reheating frozen pie slice is what we mostly do since usually, we dont need to heat up a whole thing. Once heated to your satisfaction, remove the apple crisp and serve immediately. Place the sheet in the freezer and flash freeze them for about an hour. Preheat the oven to 400F (204C). But in case you still want to reheat an apple pie his way, warm it up for 60 sec, then take out and leave to sit for 30 sec. Place the apple pie in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, depending on how long it takes for the pie to warm through.