The Allies usually naval invades the part of the Germany that borders the North Sea and that is your backyard. The UK will accept to send the 51 divisions you need if they have ~160 divisions, you can send them some of your own troops as expeditionary forces to get them past that number. 82. The way In which hoi4 determines majors is strange, all the countries that start as majors are permanently majors, unless they dont exist. Safe the rest of your PP for when the war starts so you pick war economy, free trade and Extensive Conscription. annex Yugoslavia complete "Fate of the Balkans" after annexing Yugoslavia, help Axis against Soviet Union, help Allies against Axis, use decisions to puppet and annex Romania & Greece). If you want to be extra safe, defeat the Netherlands first, line all your troops up against the belgian border, declare war on them and immediately break them with your tanks at the coast. Have a spy network of at least 50% strength in Casablanca. Change the Advisor to Democratic as soon as that focus is taken. . Take all the territory. So depending on whether you started the game with historical AI on or off, you may have to capitulate The Allies. As Hungary, have Miklos Horthy as a Naval commander and build a battleship. This should make UK lose in Egypt as they have to send some troops to fight you. Once you've declared war help with defeating the Axis or simply sit back and allow The Allies to do the job for you. This puts you in the German faction, so you can safely keep Danzig if the German ask for it. My country capitulated to France, and the German Reich is now non existent. As long as you control Valencia when the Anarchist uprising fires, you will be given control of it. All you need is about a dozen 20w tank divisions (3 motorized, the rest tanks along with artillery, recon, engineer, and signal supports) and a full army of infantry to take the front like as you push. As United Kingdom, go down the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of the national focus tree to release all your subjects. After that pick "Towards the new Europe" branch. This will make the war easier as they will not receive the "Great Patriotic War" buff. Once the USA and Mexico have been annexed, dismantle your faction and join the Axis to fight off the Allies. It's also possible to go (France) - Italy - Yugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey - (Iran) due to the Bosphorus straits allowing you to build a rail connection over them. Just after resistance strength hits 70 in a given province use "Arm anti-British resistance" in decision tab. Rush the provinces it requires to get the achievement, all you need is to control them rather than owning them. They have some death stacks, but if you concentrate forces you should be able to find some points to surround some of these. Do not engage any factions or wars then. HoI4 focuses on a very short period of time between 1936 and 1948 and tries to emulate the world around World War II. Having even a few provinces lets you win the civil war easily. After capitulating Turkey, take the 4 Kurdish states they hold in the peace deal, and then release Kurdistan. The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. After taking Austria, go down the civil warpath and then follow down the democratic side of the focus tree. Check happens upon operation completion. Deploy it in Athens after the war starts and take all victory points to quickly end the civil war. Switch your occupation law to Local Police Force. You now have three of the thirteen countries that you need for this achievement. You can manage several things from here, including leaving the faction. As Britain, declare war on one of your former subjects. If they agree, you will get an "Arranged Territorial Expansion" in Palestine. Unless the French AI has flipped to communism, they'll still have the disjointed government; launch naval invasions across the English Channel (take secure the Italian Alliance to have the French divert their forces), and rush Paris (Cavalry, Motorized, or Tank Divisions with Motorized are ideal choices); while fighting the French, also justify on the Netherlands and Belgium, and then conquer them (and Luxembourg if you got a war goal on them; if not, you can let the Germans take Luxembourg, as it's not that big of a help to them). Speed is crucial for a quick french capitulation. Continue with "Press the Austro-Hungarian Claim" focus to be able to create factions. The British Raj, France, Iraq , Italy, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The United Kingdom, and Yemen start with camelry divisions while Turkey is able to unlock it with a focus. Germany will invite you to their faction, accept this invitation and annex Britain. If a General becomes level 9 before your main field marshal, you may promote the General to field marshal and you will get the achievement. Took about 5-8 months them to throw in the towel (depending do you count the time when they stopped having divisions or the time they actually capitulated). Move your army to Canada, making sure to spread the divisions out and declare martial law to prevent it from seceding. This will at least temporarily increase resistance by 30% and activate a rebellion, even if the Resistance Target for that state is less than 90%. Annexing the US may help industrially and the Send in the Zombies focus may help with the recruitable population. Build better infrastructure and railways on your east border. Justify on Mexico and build up naval base in Curacao. Either send own divisions to conquer Qingdao or wait until Japan does it for you. For the achievement, it doesn't matter if they'll capitulate, only that you have at least 13 African Nations from the list in your faction. As Poland, install a Habsburg monarch and be in a faction with another Habsburg monarch. Habsburgs everywhere as you will have already crowned a king and be able to get to Jerusalem easily by this point. Don't develop any political branch in national focus tree. When the Trotsky seeks refuge event pops up, choose to invite him into the government. They should abandon those plans just like Nazi-Germany did with the invasion of Britain. Use decisions to demand ending the war. Is fascist controls all cores of Poland and France, excluding cores that are islands or outside of Europe If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. Pupetting your targets is not difficult, as Germany prefers to take land for itself. You only need to occupy the states, not own them. At some point the allies will gain air superiority over the two sea zones and Italy. The AI will always accept, as there is a whopping +1000 positive modifier for the AI to accept a request to become Spymaster if the asking country is controlled by a player. Keep going down the focus and complete Convene with The Grand Council. Now go for "Anti-British propaganda" decision. There are 2 main ways of doing this achievement, depending on if. If you are too late, they might get guaranteed by the UK. Win the Spanish Civil War as the Anarchists. When the communists win you can justify on them and they will not be guaranteed. Do to this rush down the Army tree in order to begin your war on pacifism as early as possible. The nuked state must be both owned by and a core of Denmark. A third way is to play as France, go down the Napoleonic Path, release as many of your puppets as possible (don't release Algeria or Vietnam - you can gain cores on the former, and the latter has much-needed rubber) conquer Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain (and satellite as much territory as possible from each - Belgium gives you 5 puppets from their African territory, the Netherlands gives you 3 - the Indies and both of their South American territories, and the UK gives you 40). Then, use paratroopers to land in Dover and send your army into mainland England to finish the war. Another way to do this Achievement is to turn Historical focuses off. After the white peace, focus on doing infiltrations and building up your army to take on the Nationalists. The Regency Council is formed through the Illusions of a Non-Partisan System branch, which requires at least 20% democratic popularity. how do you recommend invading the Netherlands without provoking the french? Get as much war participation as possible and puppet both in the peace conference. Once you have 50% of fascist and non-aligned combined popularity, you can continue working on the fascist focuses. Once you have Riga, Warsaw and Kanaus, all you need is Berlin. You have to complete the focus: 'The One True Heir of Solomon' and form the Empire of Solomon. One of the following must be true: May be done in conjunction with the Hail to the Qing and the The Dragon Swallowed the Sun achievements. Try to stay out of wars as long as you can. But for some reason this function seems to be broken. cigankole 5 hr. Just don't do "Jah" or "The One Tru Heir of Solomon". And that is my point - Even though the country had surrended, you still had pockets of resistance fighters hellbent on fighting till their death, and some commanders with some final plans they desperatedly tried to go through with. Turn Fascist - that will prompt your allies to leave faction, Justify and Declare War on one of these: Canada/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa. Declare war, remove all your forces from Guatemala and wait for it to capitulate. 1.4K. So once you declare war on them through a "Demand recognition decision" they'll join the Axis. Expand your army, wait for German attack to Poland and prepare to fight against Soviet Union. Peru can also be easily naval invaded from the Galapagos because even though it has a bigger navy, they won't use it for the first couple of months of the war. Via focus "Claim Livonia" You get wargoals against other Baltic States. As Imperial Germany, conquer a Caribbean island. Keep those puppets out of the war and build forts along the border with Romania, which is relatively small and has a river. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. Basically, make sure they are always losing battles to you. Establishing a spy network is available even in peacetime so the achievement is fairly simple. As a warlord, be at war with all Chinese nations simultaneously. Stalin will not have any equipment except bunch of unequipped AA battalions. Doing this will also give you buffs to fortification Building - build some on either side of the Waddenzee, making sure to include the three border territories in Freisland - two East of Amsterdam, one at the neck of the Waddenzee. Being a weaker country, though, I often lose and am capitulated by a larger country. Wait for Germany to start the war against the Soviet Union and finish the Smash the Bureaucrats focus which gives a puppet war goal against the Soviets. It is safer but harder. All states are either owned by one of the above countries or is not a core of China and Manchukuo, As fascist Italy, have max level railways in all your core states. Then justify and declare war on Germany, and Puppet them in the Peace Conference. this hoi4 exploit covers how to instantly capitulate enemy nations in hearts of iron 4 like germany or italy. Since Spain and Portugal will be at peace for at least the beginning of the liberation, it may be challenging to increase resistance to the 90% point of rebellion. As the United Kingdom, have at least 9 battlecruisers. If you have time it is possible to coup Albania communist before Italy annexes them but your priority should be Greece and Yugo. This can be done as any country but is most straightforward as any of the major nations, particularly Germany, United Kingdom, France and Japan. Just be sure to stop before you march in. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. Put two death stacks in the North Sea and the Eastern North Sea. Soviet Union: One of the following must be true: Can be done in conjunction with "This time it will stick". Easiest way is to disable La Resistance and start boosting non-aligned to Russia and USA from the beginning of game and right after concluding civil war against Kemalists. After subjugating warlords, a series of Integrates the Warlords decisions will be opened; just make decisions for Yunnan and Guangxi. Is Anarchist Spain "Kingdom of Poland" gives You personal union. Take as much territory and then join their war against the allies. For example, in a USA game I island hopped pretty quickly to Japan and then used the nuke events to capitulate them. As Turkey, be in a faction with Germany and Austria-Hungary. If they do so - start justyfing, start war, win, annex. Take the focus "Revise the Constitution" then take "Balkans Dominance". This will allow you to quickly get manpower bonuses from the fascist political tree as well as joining the Axis to avoid a German attack, while communist support builds up for later (remove fascist demagogue after civil war but ensure communist support stays below 60% to avoid another civil war). Otherwise when they capitulate, they are no longer at war and the achievement doesn't fire. The order in which you let those African Nations revolt is up to you. Build ~10 submarines and when justification will end, declare war. After capitulating and annexing the United States, prepare a naval invasion force and fleet to attack the UK. Has not completed any of the below focuses: As of 1.9.0, Bourbon Spain only needs to occupy the French cores. As France, have at least 150 Destroyers and research the maximum torpedo launcher technology, before 1945. Germany is not at war with France. When fighting, push through Mengkukuo and try to get to the shore but. Research all rocket, nuclear and jet technologies. There are several decisions in the focus tree, giving claims, but to make Miklos Horthy a Naval Commander you need to take the Habsburg Prince Focus Path. 0 . Bulgaria: Regency Council is the current country leader Remember, you only have to control the four cities at the same time, you don't need to wait until you get them in the peace conference. To be Ottoman Empire you need to go far left of focus tree and choose Adnan Menderes after "Hold Our First Multi-Party Election". As the U.S.A., drop a nuclear bomb on Paris. number of bicycle battalions > 22 Start fabricating a claim on France as soon as you have enough Political Power. Once the Soviet Union falls and the peace conference triggers, just take Onega and Olonets (or any other region neighbouring Finland), you can then satellite the constituents nations but DO NOT puppet the USSR itself. Puppet Japan, who will eventually unlock Bicycle battalions - then, just secure France. The trigger flag is le_clerc2. As the United Kingdom, accomplish the federation of the entire British Empire. 1: Stay non-aligned (you can form any kingdom of your choice). After that you can take the All Adults Training and Pro Helvetia paths - focus on defense and forts. As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, ally Germany and fully control Paris. You just need to hold your line and not let non-aligned Russia get capitulated(you don't need war participation, rebellion will have all Russia after Germany capitulates Russia). In this article, there are 3 types of brackets used within commands: Regular brackets as in instantconstruction (ic) are used to show aliases, alternate names for the console commands. Complete "The Path of Marxism Leninism", "Addressing Internal Affairs", "Expand the Agitprop", "The Komsomol" and then either "Positive Heroism" or "Collectivist Propaganda" to unlock the Agitprop decisions and expand to three slots. Follow the focus tree to fortify against Germany and Italy, then Frontier Defense plan. Yugoslavia can pick the focuses "Reinforce Old Alliances" and "Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties" to improve relations with three of the five countries. Begin by creating and upgrading a spy agency five times to get a second agent and deleting your entire army, start turning fascist through a demagogue and then prepare for a civil war via decisions, continually use the 'Expand civil support' decision to lower stability below 50%, once below 50% stability ignite civil war and rush out one cavalry division to b-line for Stockholm, the enemy should have zero divisions and very little territory so this will be enough to capitulate them.