Lambeth was a borough of resistance with a fascinating political history. We believe deeply that the Night time economy is crucial to . This has meant he has first hand experience of the challenges facing the Council as it tries to regenerate six estates. It mentions the importance of the boroughs Equality Commission, tackling knife crime and targeting rogue landlords among a list of key pieces of work that support Labours manifesto which delivered 57 or 63 councillors at the Local Government election in May. Main post content. Pick up your paper here The letter also outlines the challenges that the council faces, including ongoing cuts to the council budget, the potential impacts of Brexit and need to ensure the benefits of economic growth are felt by all. The chief executive of Lambeth council, Bayo Dosunmu, has ordered council workers back into the office for two days a week in one of his first acts as boss. Green Councillor Nicole Griffiths is also a member of the Committee. He is a leader with strong understanding of London and local government and the ability to work with members, partners and residents to make Lambeth an even better place to live, work, learn and invest.. Your email address will not be published. . This follows a cross-party council Appointments Committee panel interviewing him in June. He recalls "one young lady who, having shadowed me, has taken up a place on a medical degree". Mr Travers listed the Lambeth redress scheme, which paid out over 70 million in compensation to historic victims of child abuse in Lambeth children's homes, among his achievements. Bayo joined Lambeth in 2019 as Strategic Director for Residents Services, with responsibility for integrating day-to-day services for housing, environment, revenues and benefits and customer support for residents and businesses across the borough to provide excellent quality and value for money. Chief Executive of Integrated and Specialist Medicine, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust . The centerpiece of the Foundations efforts is the The James and Joan Lamb Scholarship, named in honor of Jims parents. "I am proud of who I am, a black man who is a chief executive," he says. Mr Travers has responded in writing to Cllr Peck by thanking her for her role in his appointment, and how he plans to deliver on the councils priorities. I would also like to say a huge thank you to Andrew for his unwavering support and leadership during some of the most challenging times in Lambeths recent history.. Click here to order your copy direct from the publisher. Andrew Travers. Gray's appointment by the Labour leader, announced this week, has proved controversial because as . Sarah Austin. Cllr . Chief Executive Andrew Travers is able to pocket 185,000 per year from his position. The comments by Andrew Travers, the chief executive of Lambeth council in south London, were made as the chancellor, Philip Hammond, faces pressure to address funding shortages in his spring. A council worker, who wished to remain anonymous, told South London Press: The new chief executive is demanding this despite the efforts of staff during the pandemic and the worsening cost of living crisis. Cllr Holland said: Im delighted that the panel unanimously recommended Bayo Dosunmu to be Lambeths next chief executive. It was downgraded again shortly afterwards to accommodate the poorly rated assessment of its cultural-services work. He has provided volunteer counsel to over 25 organizations over the last decade including the INOVA Kellar Center for Children, the Northern Virginia Family Service, the Fairfax County Public Library Foundation, Kent Gardens Elementary School, Rainbow Therapeutic Riding, the Commonwealth Academy for Children with Special Needs, and the School for Religious Studies of the Catholic University of America. Since then, they went on to say, I had made it a more human and humane organisation. From the Town Hall to the front line of Railton Road it confronted racism in the police, the Poll Tax, the Gulf War, and the nascent Thatcherism of the Conservative government. Public Notices, Jobs/Recruitment The rubber stamping of Dosunmus appointment will take place when the first Full Council of the new administration meets at the Town Hall on 25th May. Digital self-sufficiency allows all staff to contribute to a local authoritys shared, EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG, We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. Broncos Ladies booked in for Wimbledon double-header. The council had been operating a work from home policy since the height of the pandemic, but now all council workers have been ordered to return to their offices for the minimum time. . At interviews, he demonstrated the vision, team spirit and, crucially, a strong ability to . Is there a family connection to British Imerialism going back a few generations? The grey man of British politics, the terminally boring Keir Starmer, now has a Gray Chief of Staff, former senior civil servant Sue Gray. That same year, Jim was appointed by Governor-elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia to serve as the Director of the 2010 Inauguration of the Commonwealth of Virginia. This exceptionally timely book finds how a New Left took power here, how it faced the problem of socialism in one borough, and how it was gradually worn down by inertia from within and repression from without. - OnLondon, Lambeth set to increase Council Tax by 2.99% with Brexit, War in Ukraine and crap politicians in Westminster all to blame, Lambeth proposes changes to the Ferndale Low Traffic Neighbourhood in attempt to reduce traffic towards the west. A South London council paid housing company bosses 2 million last year as they built just 20 new council homes. One of the first items in the in-tray after Travers has disappeared will be to sort out the mess made by Homes for Lambeth. In so ruling, the court determined that the allegations of the Complaint fail, under the Lemon test, to demonstrate a violation of the Establishment Clause. The decision follows Lambeth's current chief executive Andrew Travers announcing that he intends to stand down after more than four years in the role. Family Announcements Bayo was appointed after an extensive executive search process that produced a shortlist of three candidates who were interviewed by councillors on the committee. Newspaper Email All Rights Reserved. Chief Executive Night Time Industries Association Apr 2017 - Feb 2018 11 months. The chief executive of Lambeth council, Bayo Dosunmu, has ordered council workers back into the office for two days a week in one of his first acts as boss. ",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j19;07=<319? We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. | Contact Lambeth was an authority rated with two stars by the Audit Commission when Anderson first arrived in March 2006 after 10 years at Wolverhampton city council. She was also the only woman on its board.[1][2]. [5], On 3 May 2006, Rabbatts was appointed as the new Executive Deputy Chair of Millwall F.C., and, on 27 October 2006, she was appointed as Executive Chairwoman of Millwall Holdings plc, taking over from Peter de Savary. One of Dosunmus first jobs was to get the extensive Lambeth Comms team to whack out a press release: Im deeply honoured to have been recommended by the councillor panel to be the councils next chief executive. is the Founder and President of Commonwealth Consultants where he serves as a strategic counselor to Fortune 500 companies and other leading corporations in Virginia, Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area.. Jim Lamb's passion is helping those in need. We've launched a new campaign challenging men and boys to call out the harassment of women and girls on our streets. Health and fitness is central to my lifestyle. Get email newsletters on the issues that matter to you! " Lambeth is a brilliant, welcoming and diverse borough, a place of culture and opportunity that I am proud to serve and call home.The pandemic has hit some of our communities and local businesses hard, and as chief executive it will be my mission to support all our residents to live well and thrive, and support colleagues to feel valued and do the best they can to serve all of our communities.". Lambeth Council's new chief executive, Sean Harriss, has been in the chair for three months now. Glad that Andrew Sleepy the Dwarf Travers is offski. Lambeth Council's Appointments Committee has recommended that Bayo Dosunmu be appointed as the Council's new Chief Executive. Subscribe now for weekly updates of local news and sport from your town. We won't pass your details on to anyone else. Children need the right to be heard, the right to contribute to key decisions affecting their lives, the right to be kept safe and the right to dream. Lambeth is a brilliant, welcoming and diverse borough, a place of culture and opportunity that I am proud to serve and call home. Linda Bellos. NALGO anti cuts bulletin 25 November 1980, In memory of Ted Knight, who passed away on 29 March 2020. @atravers60. Kate Hoeys parachuting into Vauxhall by Neil Kinnock sent shock waves through the local party. Contact Us, Copyright 2023 MSI Media Ltd. All rights reserved. There were significant improvements in housing, education, and council tax collection. The book started off as a history of Lambeth Council during that decade when it was regularly labelled as loony left I wanted to look into what actually happened, to strip away from of the myth and explain the politics of the time. I cant wait to get started.. Comment:Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW, Address: Lambeth Town HallBrixton HillSW2 1RW, Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, Noise, nuisance, anti-social behaviour and safety. "I am proud of my colour. Lambeth Councils Appointments Committee has recommended that Bayo Dosunmu be appointed as the Councils new Chief Executive. Since 2003, Commonwealth Consultants has awarded seven scholarships to deserving students from across the country. I pity any other local authority that hires the lazy bastard. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, or if you would like more information about IPSO or the Editors Code, contact IPSO on 0300 123 2220 or visit, 2018-2023. "Andrew has played an absolutely pivotal role in changing Lambeth for the better. You can download the brochure for the house when it was completed here 121 Tyers street brochure. The Labour Party won the Lambeth election in 1978 and the new left leadership of Ted Knight and his comrades had big plans for the borough. The manoeuvres to get to power in the Lambeth Labour group had been drawn out but the result had been an unqualified success for the left. Memorandum Opinion at 44. In this volunteer capacity, Jim created the concepts and plans for the Celebration and managed and oversaw 600 talented staff members and volunteers who worked across Washington to execute concerts, events, and a celebratory mass that included world dignitaries, the national and international media, local community leaders and thousands of ordinary citizens. I will work with members and partners to take the council forward to a future that is sustainable, inclusive and fair. Please contact Bruce McLeod, Executive Vice President, at (function(){var ml="d%0clb.nsutwoe4m" ,mi="5?34=<01>23;3<7894:63 Charlie Adan, chief executive, Babergh and Mid-Suffolk district council Peter Hay, strategic director, adults and communities, Birmingham city council Sir Bob Kerslake, head, UK Civil. They had wanted a black candidate but the most likely ones to win were considered too left wing by Labours leadership so Hoey, a Kinnock loyalist, was imposed as a candidate with a like it or lump it note from Labour HQ. " No chance I consider myself to be a reasonably good public servant, but I am too outspoken and opinionated to be an acceptable civil servant. In the late 1980s a man called Ron Tod fixed up a dilapidated old house in Vauxhall with the view to selling it and sending all the money to Bluefields in Nicaragua. This follows a cross-party council Appointments Committee panel interviewing him in June. Anderson already has a CBE for services to local government under his belt so is Whitehall next? "The organisation was understandably demoralised by what appeared to be a U-turn in performance, which wasn't helped by the media's attention to our performance overall," he says. It will place Gray at the heart of a Labour Party machine which has a complex web of Croydon connections. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); News It was a potent formula for a future leader. Andrew Travers said he would step down from the role in June 2022. Jim Lamb is a life-long resident of our Washington community and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Government from the College of William and Mary. Cllr Claire Holland said: "I'm delighted. Dosunmu has a steady background in local government. For more details of the launch of Radical Lambeth and any public meetings coming up, please get in touch! Of course there were also tensions and problems, legitimate criticisms and mistakes. Today, at the age of 55, he is the chief executive of Lambeth council the only="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " black or minority ethnic (BME) chief executive of a London borough. Even at a very simple level, I try to be respectful to all my staff.". < div data-cf-modified-a886389a4adc4c8b6e52ad62-="">