Colonel Garland was wounded. Exposed to a severe fire of artillery and vigorously assailed beyond the Emmitsburg Road by infantry on the right flank with ranks thinned and much disorganized by its losses especially of officers it pressed on against the Union line at the stone wall where after a fierce encounter the struggle ended. The bulk of the payrolls date between 1777 and 1779. Entered Valley Forge with 326 men assigned, but only 81 fit for duty. Consists of bound photostats of monthly payrolls from Virginia regiments during the Revolutionary War. At Guilford Courthouse two of these two regiments were combined into a brigade under the command of Gen Isaac Huger, a South Carolinian. At noon of the 17th, the 7th and 24th Regiments were sent down the Harpers Ferry Road about 520 and 850 yards respectively, to guard the right flank. The unit was reassigned to the 2nd Virginia Brigade on 22 July 1778, and it was reorganized to nine companies and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 12 May 1779. By this time many Virginia militiamen were battle-hardened veterans of the Continental army and were reliable under fire. This is a guide to 358 items pertaining to the late Colonial period and the Revolutionary War, ca. .0:^' .'^ '^. A total amount of pay is listed for the officer or soldier and a total It lost 6 men killed and 15 wounded. 1779, 3rd & 4th Virginia Regiment, The 3rd Virginia Recruit Detachment" was destroyed at the so-called "Waxhaws Massacre in late May. ROSTER AND MUSTER ROLL . Marker in Puerto Rico which traces the routes taken by the Godspeed, Susan Constant and the Discovery and which commemorates their stopping in Puerto Rico from April 6 to 10, 1607 Search the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files of Virginia Veterans from The National Archives:: NARA M804. 1779, 11th & 15th Virginia Regiment, Samuel King Sr. enlisted 9 December 1776 in Company K, 11th Virginia Regiment of Continental Troops, and after being once captured and re-enrolled was in Valley Forge with General George Washington. The situation wasn't just the effect of casualties, the hardships of campaigning, and the previous two winter encampment logistical nightmares, it was also the effect of a rarely understood and little-known Virginia enlistment law coming into play. Charles Porterfield's Company, Col. Febiger's 11th Virginia Regiment. From then until the White Plains 1778 consolidation the 9th was a regiment on paper only. The old 15th Regiment was renumbered as the 11th. for the company for that month. 1776-1779, 7th Virginia Regiment, 1777-1778, 5th Virginia Regiment, Also, at least one company under Captain Robert Gamble escaped. I have all his war records and pension records. 1780-1784, 1st Virginia Regiment, Nancy Young Lewis. Major Clement was wounded, never fully recovering. In late 1779 the 1st and 2nd Virginia Recruit Detachment Battalions were ordered to Charleston. It wasnt needed as his men stood their ground and inflicted tremendous casualties until left with no choice but to withdraw. The first regiment was to consist of 544 rank and file, with a colonel, lieutenant- colonel, major, 8 captains, 16 lieutenants, and 8 ensigns; and the second of 476 rank and file, with seven companies and corresponding officers. 1777-1778, 15th Virginia Regiment, Lafayettes Division | Scotts Brigade | Graysons Regiment. This regiment was organized from riflemen that marched to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1775, under Daniel Morgan. The regiment was commanded by Colonel Garland. The unit was decimated at Camden on 16 Aug 1780, with only 140 troops surviving. The unit fought at First Manassas in a brigade under James Longstreet and at Dranesville under J.E.B. To add to the confusion, there were two Virginia State Line Regiments, the 1st and 2nd; and after the fall of Charleston Virginia created two new battalions and one regiment. He re-enlisted in Feb 1778, and fought in the Revolutionary war under Captain Thomas Lucas. Colonel William Brent; Major John Allison; The 11th Virginia was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia, in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. Despite marching over 500 miles, outside the state, to the defence of a sister colony, Congress refused to accept the 8th into Continental establishment because the 8th Regiment was below strength on paper. 6 Companies from southern New York. . The old 13th Regiment, at about 75% strength, became the new 9th and continued the duties of the former 13th - garrison of Ft Pitt and western frontier posts. Assigned to the Southern Department in 1780, they lost 134 men and 8 brass field pieces at Charleston. Previous engagements: unknown. The 11th Virginia Regiment was a Continental Army regiment that fought in the American Revolutionary War. 9th Virginia: Brig. Copyright 2017 | All Rights Reserved, Clap's Company, 21st Continental Regiment, Peter's Company, 13th Continental Regiment, King's Company, 21st Continental Regiment, Walbridge's Company, 13th Continental Regiment, Mayhew's Company, 25th Continental Regiment, H. Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, Spencer's Additional Continental Regiment, Sheppard's Additional Continental Regiment, Captain John Nelson's Independent Rifle Company, Captain John Doyle's Independent Rifle Company, Captain Jacob Weaver's Independent Company, Captain Joshua William's Independent Company, Captain Samual Morehead's Independent Company. Brigadier General A.P. 1780-1784, A Guide to the United States War Department, Revolutionary War Payrolls1776-1784. Most of these men were captured at Charleston. May have passed through Valley Forge on their way north. From the monument to Kempers Brigade on the Gettysburg battlefield: July 2. - Crocket's Western Battalion. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Fort Lee, Virginia. Exemptions were extremely limited, and an estimated 60,000 men were enrolled. *. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Also incorporated into this unit was Nathaniel Gist's Additional Continental Regiment, also known as Gist's Rangers (pronounced as "Guest"). The unit was captured on 12 May 1780 at the Siege of Charleston and subsequently disbanded on 1 January 1781. 11TH VIRGINIA REGIMENT. Joseph Calhoun Roster . Redesignated 11 June 1777 as Late Ottendorf's Corps; Corps broken up in April 1778 and reOrganized and redesignated as Captain Henry Bedkin's Independent Troop of Light Horse and Captain John Paul Schott's and Anthony Selin's Independent Companies (see also, Commanded by Capt's John Paul Schott and Anthony Selin, The regiment was organized in winter and spring 1778 as partisan corps, Adopted June 1778 into Continental Army as Free and Independent Chasseurs, Consolidated Feb 1780 with Pulaski's Legion and redesignated as Armand's Legion (see also. including Illinois Regiments, artillery, dragoons, etc. Captain Adam Clement was promoted to major but was never confirmed, and Captain Kirkwood Otey of Company G was promoted to major effective to this date. Organized February 1777 from Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia Counties. Each company was to consist of 68 enlisted men, with officers to include a captain, lieutenant, and ensign (second lieutenant). 1777-1778, 13th Virginia Regiment, When the number of Virginia regiments was reduced to 11 from 15, the 11th Virginia became the 7th Virginia. The 8th returned north in 1777 to join the main Continental Army, and suffered unreplaced losses in the campaign of 1777. 1778, Miscellaneous Virginia Organizations, Lawsons brigade also fought at Yorktown. Fort Lee was created during the U.S. mobilization for World War I, and its history can be divided into three distinct phases. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's . These three regiments were large temporary fighting units formed by amalgamating the new Virginia Line regiments. He is honored there, in Jackson Co., Ohio, as Revolutionary War soldier. Gist's was the most successful and by 1779 two of the others (Grayson's and Thruston's Additional Regiments) had been merged into Gist's. History. Returned to Washingtons Main Army in November 1777. Two years later, it was reorganized as a corps of rangers. 2D REGIMENT, 1783. Ordered to Albany, New York in January 1777. Entered Valley Forge on December 19, 1777. Eventually additional Continentals were required for POW camps in Winchester and Frederick, Maryland. Originally recruit formations intended as replacement men for the numbered Virginia Line numbered regiments, they included recruits and 18-month and 9-month men levied from the Virginia militia. A significant number of men of the old 8th German Regiment survived Charleston and fought under Nathanael Greene through the end of the war as part of reconstituted Virginia forces. The former 12th Regiment became the new 8th. Samuel King. 349 sentences with 'field officers'. After Charleston and Waxhaws the three "Recruiting Detachments" ceased to exist. ^^ v^^ r' x^ -n^. . The ad-hoc Virginia Brigade at Guilford Courthouse: Contingents of the numbered Virginia regiments who escaped capture at Charleston, or who werent there for various reasons, fought in the Southern Campaign, often as independent companies. Organized spring 1777 at Monmouth, New Jersey. Additionally, the expedition included Gaskins Regiment, the detachment of 2nd Virginia regiment from Philadelphia, and Anthony Wayne's First Legionary Corps (made up of drafts from the 1st and 3d regiments of Continental Light Dragoons, (also Virginians) and all available Continental light infantry troops. 1. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Companies recruited men from Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia counties. It was Buford's former status as the 11th Virginia Regiment commander that convinced Tarleton to report to Cornwallis that he had just attacked the 11th Virginia regiment and "cut 170 officers and men to pieces". Thomas Warman, [of Virginia], Second Lieutenant in Col. Jacob Turner of the 3d North Carolina Regiment does not contain the text down to this point but instead places it in the general orders for 8 Aug. ("Turner's Orderly Book," description begins "Jacob Turner's [Orderly] Book, 1777 & 1778." The State Records of North Carolina Edited by Walter . Muster roll dated Oct 14, 1777, Remarks Prisoner. At the close of the cannonade advanced and took part in Longstreets assault upon the Union position in the vicinity of the Angle. Left Valley Forge with 335 assigned, 203 fit for duty. This is a list of units of the Continental Army, the national army of the United States during the American Revolutionary War. It served with the army from Williamsburg to Gettysburg except when it was at Suffolk with Longstreet. All rights reserved, Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line. In 1780 the guards were reduced or eliminated and the regiment augmented by an additional 132 men to march with Porterfields State Detachment to the assistance of Gen Horatio Gates. Although Congress' initial enlistment term had expired 31 December 1776 (necessitating Washington's crossing of the Delaware before these enlistments ran out), many Virginians had responded to Washington's call and Paine's "Crisis" pamphlet, remaining with the army. - The Convention Army Guard Regiment - 600-man regiment augmented with additional rotating militia units for the purpose of guarding the British and Hessian troops captured at Saratoga (The Convention army) and encamped at Charlottesville. Wallaces Continentals were again influential at Guilford Courthouse, where his company was part of the ad-hoc 2nd Virginia Regiment under Colonel Hawes. Craig S. Moore. 1776-1780, 4th Virginia Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Funsten was promoted to colonel. The old 10th became the new 6th. Processed by: It went on to fight in the Petersburg trenches south and north of the James River and ended the war at Appomattox. At White Plains, the 8th regiment was consolidated into the 4th. 4th - The original 4th Virginia regiment was originally composed of a large number of riflemen. I am confused by the numbering of Virginia Regiments after the 3 Virginia detachments were wiped out. Many were captured at Sayler's Creek, and only 1 officer and 28 men surrendered. Appendix I: List of Units and Subunits Updated February 7, 2005 War of 1812 Discharge Certificates Appendix I: List of Units and Subunits Appendix II: List of Company/Detachment Commanders Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name Appendix IV: List of Soldiers by Unit Appendix I: List of Units and Subunits These are listed by Regiment (or major unit) then by subunit.