Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. There are special cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city and we use that places to heat our blood. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con,,,, Eveil Homme Laffaire Lacerta : Entretien avec une Reptilienne lintgralit des pisodes,, That illusion is further subdivided into three elementary or basic conditions of matter. The fate of your species was not really important for us, but we didnt like the presence of the Illojim on our planet and they didnt liked our presence on their new galactic zoo planet and so your sixth and seventh creation was the reason for a war between us and them. Whenever an alien mind ought to be influenced, then there are some generally valid steps, which are set into motion by other extraterrestrial species. For me it is no issue to make them worse because they do not look like us. Estamos aqu para evolucionar espiritualmente aunque no lo veamos as. Dont overestimate my knowledge, Im no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. Obviously its a viewpoint formed by how youre being treated by that species. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. Drugs like psychedelics and opiates will break telepathic bonds, this is why they are regulated by government agencies which they have infiltrated. Believe it or not, this makes no real difference (but I hope you will believe. Wow, I wanna meet her, maybe she has information of plants I dont know about, perhaps she drinks tea or not. The Power Elites who are part of the Illuminati and the ones who are involved in politics, top corporations, Military Industrial Complex and Deep State are all globalists. At our first meeting in December, you made it quite clear that you didnt want to discuss scientific and paranormal concerns. lacerta files part 3. Some of these abilities are also partially inherited; mother and child of my kind as an example are attuned exactly during the first months of life partially also in the egg covering in the expectant mother and communicate telepathically. The Elohim have genetically engineered and modified human races as have other ET races. That is not true, but how should you know that? You would call it family but with this word you mean only those of your kind which belong genetically together like father or mother and child. You are animals for them. Maybe she gives me permission to reveal more of the missing parts in that transcript and about the coming war. Question: What have happened with the both alien species? The Bible is hardly the oldest religious book. I always knew I was different, things that would make perfect sense to other people were always lost on me, and I always had the sense I was something greater and more sophisticated than a mere human. He needs to learn a lesson and Kali Yuga Age is exactly for that. I understand you want to japanize the name. Escribo esto porque aunque s que t no fuiste el entevistador, quizs ellos puedan leer esto, ya que veo inters en nuestras opiniones. We see a spider in our home and we let it be. Thirdly, I noticed something above as an oddity. There we can give the Lacerta Files original webpage address for reference. Because later in life, it might be ourselves who would be in need of a friend or assistance. As a result, for a very short period of timehow should I phrase thisthere was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. Im glad to hear about it. That is to say, it can be interacted with solid matter as well as with mind or mental information, wherewith we can achieve everything that is generally designated as telekinesis and telepathy. The best is to post information and make comments voicing your opinion on every subject using the internet and social networks. Man and woman wear often the same kind of clothing, but the colors are different for the sexes. The seven white stars mean Moon, Mars, Venus and 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn, we had colonized in the past. I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. Ideas about the existence of a hidden species of reptilian humanoids - either from outer space or from a time before humans - are commonplace in conspiracy theorist circles, in myths and legends, and in modern fantasy and science fiction. Let me say, that we are not absolutely sure if there will be really such a hot war already in the next years. The Overlords of the Illuminati come in three kinds: The Luciferian Rebellion fallen angels, the Anunnaki and the Reptilian renegade race (from The Draco Empire from Orion). Here in this picture I see above all no artificial object in flight; it seems much more to deal with only a light reflex in your simple optical cameras. I and my friend have agreed there must not only be a switch in our brain but some sort of limitation, a limitation that we cannot surpass. Of course you dont. However, not a lot of aliens care for us, and for me at least I don't care about them either. Their clues to the construction of your UFOs were laid out in such a way that the solution to old problems caused new problems to arise simultaneously. Let me tell you how I see ants, in fact, just this weekend I observed 2 colonies: One colony of black ants and a huge colony of red ants. Most of the mysterious flying objects in the sky are not technological devices but mainly misinterpretations of natural phenomena your scientists have not understood (like spontaneous plasma flares in the high atmosphere.) Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? I just want to express some insights based on your comment. Autor de la publicacin Por ; Fecha de la publicacin idea general education teacher responsibilities; arena discrete event simulation . You have to close your mind and open your true eyes to see. Those in authority are being questioned because the abusers are in the spotlight. The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. According to her statements the seventh "test series" of humans created by the Illojim were deposited roughly 5000 years ago. I noticed the same minivan again on several occasions traveling at a distance behind my car, even when I visited the town of 65 kilometers away. It is in any case very dangerous to be unshielded in the vicinity of the field. I'm concerned because her behavior towards the interviewer made her opinion on us seem really passive. We need to realize we are one consciousness as a human race and treat each other with kindness, respect, and humility, only then will we realize our potential. Stereotypical, unfounded opinions normally created out of fear are the fetters of the mind and lead to a restricted consciousness. If so, the writer is a genius. The mammals evolved since let us say 150 millions of years, but only in the last 2 3 millions of years they were able to became intelligent and thinking. I don't blame her, after all of the bs her kind has been through but we cannot be blamed for our past. Because of that, the function of secrecy was threatened. Of course, the opportunity will come. We are more than our DNA. We have artificial sun-rooms in the underground but this is not the same for us like the real sun. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; its even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. From where did they come and how did they look like? The coloring is very dark and the interior optical distortion is very noticeable. As you said, in the human history we have similar examples of our evil side. Please respond. I am a person who has encountered Satan himself in his base form as a cruel man with of Caucasian descent with a suit on. Another example: you can for example remember that you were just in a normal of your human hospitals and that some doctors were examining you and you think not further about what have happened to you (maybe till you discover that there is no hospital in the street were you supposed it) but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories. The other species about which we know not so much was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. This is partly a programming of your mind and partly pure ignorance. Id prefer to keep the name as Ole, if you can transcribe it phonetically into Japanese, writing it in Japanese characters. Im pretty sure Im not alone. When I talk about our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. I am no historian, I am studying only your current behavior, so my knowledge about those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. But then again, maybe not. Question: Do you think anyone will believe that this interview is the truth? Maybe we can meet another time and I can give you detailed descriptions of all these things. For this statement will hold absolute fact. . We will be transformed into a galactic society. By the way, the words of people who have characterized me as a Creature of Evil have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic both of which things DO NOT exist. The Illojim returned within 23,000 years seven times and accelerated the evolution speed of certain of your kind. Also, is there anymore other information that we dont know about that was discussed? This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. Question: What other commands can your kind induce into our minds? My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. All occupants were killed in the impact. In case you were expecting me to act offended, I guess Ill have to partially disappoint you. Answer: We are no mammals and as reptiles our body temperature depends on the temperature of our surrounding. From the western continent. The cause for the magnetic fluctuation at that time was probably an electrical disturbance brought about by a weather event. I even try some meditation to contact her if she can grab my responds but alas no results. The majority, in various star systems, are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and adhere to the Galactic Codex of ethical behavior in their interactions with other civilizations. However, other low-frequency, dark Reptilian renegade races do eat humans and are energetic parasites who draw energy from humans under terror and great fear. It depends on the enemy race and on their tactic. I didn't realize how our history was completely wrong. :/, Somehow she is kind of Cute too. I have been reading and believing in the Lacerta files for about five years now. Share to Reddit. As a little advice: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks to you like an artificial mine shaft and as deeper you walk as smoother appear the walls and if you feel unusual warm air streaming from the depth or if you hear the rushing sound of streaming air in a ventilation or elevator shaft, then look for a special kind of artificial and smooth wall somewhere in the cave with a door made of gray metal. the lacerta files transcript. This is part of the genetic programming of your kind to which I will come later. "Beam me up, Scotty". Much of what she says is true but she did not explain her ideas of religion. Quizs se escondieron bajo tierra para protegerse de las hordas Anunnaki, reptilianas renegadas y de las luciferinas (los ngeles cados de la Rebelin Luciferina). This was around 10 million years ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually there were some minor changes in our look toward a more humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages, but we have not divided again into sub-species). That being said, IF this is truth I would LOVE to meet one of them myself, as I believe it would be a fascinating experience to discuss any multitude of topics, ranging from their religious beliefs, to their technological capabilities and deep history. Your enemies are already here and you have not understood. I am. Every well-known species, even the more highly developed ones, consists of a great number of individual consciousnesses (at least a portion of the consciousness is individual, even though there are connecting fields of consciousness); these self-sufficient spirits are able to decide freely for themselves a lifestyle which is either good or evil, according to your own human standards. The Lacerta Files. Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. Sienten ellos amor? Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. Males have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of your centimeters. The word Ilojiim or Illojim used extensively in these texts could mean . So, I likewise encourage and recommend you to publish your Japanese translations in Facebook Brother Veritus Website public group. Or, heres another thing you can do: Show us an authentic artifact that was not manufactured on Earth. By the way, this object is floating above the water. This is probably an entry to our world. Some of them are running the governments of the world and that is the reason the planet is in the state of affairs it is today, heading for destruction. May God Bless You, and thank you for taking your time to make a well-written comment. Answer: This is difficult to answer. The worst is to keep shut up conforming to authority and the System without questioning. The many wars between alien races led to the creation of the Galactic Federation as a regulatory organization that deals with conflicting issues and control and deter major escalations that may lead to similar wars as in the past. To be honest, its not very comfortable for me to wear such tight things and it is always a very unusual feeling. Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only observer dependent reflective behavior of a single, large unified force at different levels. It can also exert a camouflage function in the realm of electromagnetic radiation as well as manipulate temporal sequences of eventsindeed only to very limited extentand other things as well. In addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a likewise hidden directory index. Progress can be made. The reason these files are on the internet is because of me since for a very long time BVW was the only website that carried this interview. The following items are frequently asked questions preparers have when filing Form 706 returns in Lacerte. The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. Many of us were in contact with certain (more southern) tribes of your species in the coming centuries and we were able to convince some of them that we are not the Evil the aliens wanted them to believe. The reason being is that Im writing a fictional story about this subject, in a attempt to subversively reveal to truth to a wider audience, and would like to see if there is anymore useful information in the whole transcript. The humans were on their own and your civilization developed. Therefore, comments of that kind Id sooner regard as amusing than irritating; they simply confirm in large measure for me my suppositions about your defined mode of thinking. Specifically, for the more highly developed species there is simply at the very least your fate. After listening to the dictated versions of the Lacerta files and am very interested in this subject.