He told the Beyonder to bring back Death, but the Beyonder said that the only way to do it would be if someone agreed to die and become the new Death. He intervened, and saved her. The Beyonder also had Klaw persuade Doom to grant him part of his power. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. Whether you are a die-hard fan of Secret Wars or a new reader hoping to catch up for the MCU's next big event, this guide will help you explore The Beyonder's rich legacy in Marvel Comics. To explain the events of Secret Wars I and II that seemed to contradict this, Kubik explained that at least some of them had been illusions, created by the other cosmic entities. After watching for a while, his interest was picqued, due to Thor's decision to use his belt of strength, thereby negating Kurse's advantage. In this illusion, the Beyonder tried to stop Mordo, just as Dr. let me know in the comments Robo Thread Dec 11, 2022 beyonder ( pre-retcon ) marvel upgrade Replies: 22 Forum: Content Revision Pre Retcon Beyonder vs Lucifer Morningstar DC Ultimately, this story has not been referenced in other stories since it was published, so it may or may not become canon. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. Specifically, Doom wants his memories back. Doom then entered the Beyond-realm and attacked the Beyonder. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. Then all of a sudden, one of Boom Boom's time bombs went off; she didn't want him to forget her. The dome (as powerful as the multiverse) Molecule Man created, which the Beyonder shattered, wasn't as powerful as the original. Spider-Man tries to stop this, but Doom had already sent a portal going toawrds the heros; this portal teleported all the heros (with the exception of Ben) to a distant location. send you an email once approved. (Spider-Man was watching, ready to stop him in any case.) Whoever got the most, won. The Beyonder is finally defeated by a huge group of superheroes, including the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, and Spider-Man, after the Molecule Man intervenes and kills him, while he had temporarily transformed into an infant in the midst of a re-birthing process. However, the Watcher suddenly came to talk to him. The Beyonder appeared again, this time garbed as a super hero, and helped her fight the bikers, whose powers kept increasing. Doom used the Cube to restore his memories but Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds stopped him before he could take its power. Illyana wanted to attack him, but Rachel stopped her and instead tried to psychically bond with him in an attempt to communicate. With a complete mind, he could possibly control it. In the retcon, they are directly related. (See Powers for a greater explanation of this.) Now they each had only part of the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube, entities that are still very powerful, but stand far below such entities as the Living Tribunal and Eternity, and even the Celestials. [11], Intrigued by what he has witnessed during the first Secret Wars, the Beyonder comes to Earth during the Secret Wars II story line to walk among humans and study them and learn of human desire firsthand. Strange found them and said that Summers was the key to saving them from the Beyonder. Rachel attacked him with the Phoenix, but to no avail. Doctor Doom, however, did not help matters. The Beyonder was so powerful that the fallout of this conflict left a wish-fulfillment-like effect on the planet, allowing many heroes to regain things they had lost: Captain America was able to recreate his broken shield, among other effects. He then went to Avengers Mansion to talk to the Avengers, but Jarvis told him they were in space. Phoenix. Then the Avengers attacked, but to no avail--he just lay there, listless, ignoring their attacks. The Beyonder considered this request to be reasonable but was stopped by Shaper of Worlds and Kubik. Beyonder displayed the ability to control others without them knowing it even while being absorbed. Kubik developed from a Cube made by A.I.M. Strengthened Abilties They gain significant improvements on both their physical body and spiritual body. [12], The Defenders encountered the Beyonders when they went outside the Multiverse. Marvel's Most Powerful Cosmic God Did Drugs with Two Forgotten TV Stars - Yes, Really. He and Reece stepped together and melded into a true, perfect Cube--the one that their power had been meant to make so many years ago. Then the Beyonder appeared. Although the Beyonders were successful in destroying the Multiverse, Doctor Doom used their power to salvage its remnants and created Battleworld. He then sent Doom and Klaw away, and disappeared himself, never to reappear again in this story. [49] Later, he attempts to hold captive the ruler of the Universal Church of Truth, Protg. [12], The narration stated that he possessed power millions of times greater than the entire multiverse combined,[35] and that a regular universe was a drop of water in the ocean compared to the Beyond Realm. This display of power and aggression scared Boom Boom, however, and the Beyonder tried to make her happy. He then used his powers to pull the old male Beyonder essence out of Kosmos and brought him to Earth to fight. It was this energy that the Beyonder (singular) was made of. He interacted with many heroes and villains and cosmic forces in an attempt to better understand the meaning and root of desire. Pym demanded that the Stranger stop these experiments and when he declined, it was revealed Pym hadn't killed any of the others and had merely shrunk them down. [27], This revelation leads to a confrontation with the Beyonder during the events of the second Secret War, wherein Black Bolt expresses his extreme displeasure toward the Beyonder's activities. Vinnie showed up with some of his gang, including Toots, who had since shown him the bar of gold. Thankfully, with an upcoming Marvel Comic run slated for June, The Beyonder is ready to reintroduce himself to readers. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. [48] However, his scale of power was stated to be significantly below that of the Living Tribunal and Eternity,[3] the Celestials,[45] or the Molecule Man (when unfettered from his emotional weaknesses). Meanwhile, the Defenders were in a very difficult battle against the Dragon of the Moon. He appeared in an amalgam form, based on the many heroes that fought on Battleworld. The Beyonder then explained that his only intention was to do good, and that to him, nothing was impossible to accomplish. The Beyonder told him his story, and Vinnie, believing him, sensed a business opportunity in his apparent lack of understanding of our world. The Beyonder next walked along a train track in a melancholy mood, still obsessed with his failed relationship with Dazzler. If Doom truly had Beyonder's power all the heros would have been wiped out with a mere thought. Later they created Cosmic Cubes. He slaughtered most of the New Mutants and did battle with the Avengers and Rachel Summers, a.k.a. In many ways their motives are like a mix of the Watchers and the Celestials--over the eons of existence, they have observed and manipulated the evolution of life and intelligence in our dimension. Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (On a Sub-Quantic level, controlling the building blocks of all creation), Information Manipulation, Flight/Levitation, Forcefields, Portal Creation, and numerous others. Once there, they (Doom, Thing, She-Thing, and the Human Torch) arrived, to their surprise, in a sunny, happy, populated land that recalled Earth. He was also invisibly observing Captain America, who was visiting the West Coast Avengers and then battling Armadillo and Dr. Malus. But, because he was limiting himself, and because he had intentionally gotten himself drunk, Strange realized that he had a chance to ensnare him with illusion, and perhaps take his danger away from the multiverse forever. Deciding to confront the Beyonder before became a viable threat once more, the Illuminati employed a Skrull ship and traveled to Ceres, only to find a hidden replica of the island of Manhattan in the middle of the asteroid belt. Why he would do this is unclear. The Beyonder is a powerful, reality-warping being from another dimension. This Cube, as with the other Cosmic Cubes, continued to develop its own powers and self-awareness. [42], The Beyonder was no longer a malicious entity; instead, he emerged as a fully-grown Beyonder. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. The Beyonder now shows Spider-Man the villains have caused destruction across the entire planet and have formed territories for themselves to individually rule over. Gladiator and Starlord, among others, opposed the Maker and even gained the help of Thanos, who was visiting the Kyln on a pilgrimage. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct in the same area. Now fully-grown, he lived with his fellow Beyonders in the Beyond,[1] until he escaped the House of Ideas. Strange was protecting the area with a mystic shield, and the Beyonder was pounding on it, trying to get in. They normally had low levels of power, but those powers became amped as they got near her. To test it, he had the machine recreate the New Mutants (whom he had killed earlier). After informing them about the Beyonders, he and the other Beyonders wanted the Defenders to go back inside the Multiverse; however, the Defenders resisted. But, as soon as he did it, he realized he needed to try it again. [26], In a retcon of past events, Charles Xavier reveals to his fellow Illuminati members that in the original Secret War, he had attempted to mind-scan the Beyonder, revealing him as one of the Inhumans previously ruled over by fellow Illuminati member Black Bolt. Or is he the kind that is born with certain Beyonder powers? This time, however, in a contradiction with all previous encounters between the two, the Molecule Man proved to be the more powerful. Dr. And even more so: he had helped the Thing eventually realize that he couldn't murder someone in cold blood, so perhaps the Beyonder's new role could be to help others find their roles! The Beyonder then pulled the body of Captain America down underground and absorbed his memories. Once a celestial figure of cosmic light, The Beyonder now fashions a human body to observe humanity firsthand. In the case of the Puma, he had the power of the entire universe behind him, but the Beyonder was more powerful than our entire universe, so in terms of direct power, it shouldn't have been enough. The Beyonder then met an underworld figure named Vinnie, whom, seeking to make use of his superhuman powers, became his "guide" to the world. [10], Ultimately, the Beyonder entered the machine and was transformed by it into a mortal infant and which then began transferring the Beyonder's vast power into this newly created form. They explained to the Beyonder that Doom wanted his memories because he thought that with them, he would have been whole, and perhaps he would have been able to hold on to the power of the Beyonder during Secret Wars I. The Beyonder, observing this battle, considered taking away Kurse's power, since he no longer really cared about the experiment. He caused enormous natural catastrophes all around the globe, causing havoc. He teleported to their location and ran into Firelord but Firelord passed out from his injuries during his fight with Nebula and her army. This was only the first of many relationships the Beyonder had with Earth women, who often saw him as very appealing. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. Much like Thanos, The Beyonder can shape, change and--if desired--destroy worlds and realities. Editor's Picks; Entertainment. He still had comic awareness and reality warping capabilities. Murdock was against it, but the Beyonder gave him a special form of payment: he gave him back his vision. In his rage, he went back to the New Mutants in New York. They were originally called "Omegas" by the Celestials. It took them a while to get up, however, and they had been knocked miles away. He stood in space, thinking. ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. More heroes arrived, but the Beyonder continued to mow them down. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. The Beyonder has been retconned many times. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). He realized that if the Thing could have doubts about his role, then it was OK for him to have doubts too. Strange found out what happened, and found him in a bar--one of the very ones he himself used to drink at after he had his accident and could no longer do surgery. It was then revealed that Pym was correct and the entire experiment was being conducted by the Stranger under the guise of the Beyonder. One of the passengers, Tabitha, ran up and started to walk with him. There, he asked about love. The Beyonder was very apprehensive of the power of the Tribunal, Eternity, and Scathan the Celestial, but he joined Protege in fighting them. After the Puma failed to kill him, he became convinced that he was wasting his time in trying to enlighten others. It's time to escape Battleworld and travel to The Beyond where CBR's celestial writers reside. Remains to be seen. However, it can be inferred that her powers were more or less on the level of other sentient Cosmic Cubes like Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, which are in essence limited omnipotents. Fantastic came to see him. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. They told the Beyonder not to grant Doom's wish, but he didn't listen, since he thought himself far above them in power and station. Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. As Black Cat chases after the Red Skull she confronts him, but is captured by Dr. Octopus. Even this could not stop him, and he emerged still bent on killing Thor. The Beyonder knew it was all a magical illusion, however, and was able to reclaim his power again. However, realizing that since the Beyonder had had the power to bring them there, he could also potentially destroy them all, and even kill off the entire human race in a fit of anger, the Professor refrained from following his original plan. As the Beyonder no longer exists, his universe also ceased to exist. (The Thing was angry at the Beyonder for various events in the past.) The Defenders went further beyond into the White Hot Room and the Beyonder followed as he was caught in Loki's narrative arc. However, the immediate effect was that Galactus sensed the Beyonder's power, and desired it, for he could tell that it would be able to take away his hunger to destroy worlds. [16] Beyonder then attempts to get Dazzler to fall in love with him, but fails, leading to feelings of despair. RELATED: Secret Wars II: A Complete Guide to Marvel's Forgotten Crossover. The heros attempt to stop the assult and don't suceed until Iron Man fires a laser to knock the Lizard out. [18], To investigate the nature of desire, the Beyonder undertook an experiment. She thought he would be mad, but instead he fixed the bruises her father gave her. Although there have been momentary setbacks and deceptive tricks, The Beyonder has outlasted and outsmarted every trap set in his way. [41] The Maker was killed in the attack; her corpse was found by the Fallen One, confirming Thanos' fear that the Beyonder had been freed. This would destroy the universe as well, although a new universe would take it's place. The Beyonder took Storm on a tour of the boy's sad past, showing him that his heroic exploits had in fact provided the only bright spots in his short life. He showed some power limitations in the season finally when it was shown that he was becoming powerless the longer he was outside his realm. She once again attempted to talk to him, but he left. Dazzler eventually realized that he had stimulated the situation by amping the bikers' powers, and made him stop the fight. But his genetic anomaly radically changed the Terrigen experience for him, and his power grew exponentially to an unprecedented scope. They imprisoned his dormant body in the center of the Earth. The Beyonder's energy returns to the Beyond-Realm where it evolves into a new universe. They were both actually thankful at this. However, his scale of power has been stated as below that of the Living Tribunal and Eternity, the Celestials, or the Molecule Man (when unfettered from his emotional weaknesses). Loki hypothesized that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow could very well be the Beyonders. They made conversation, and after she explained her profession using street jargon he didn't understand, he gave her an ingot of gold. In time, it created planets and life. He wanted to erase everything so that he would no longer be reminded of the things that frustrated him so much. With this in mind, readers have ample opportunity to discover the celestial god for themselves. He suddenly appeared in front of Parker, scaring him at first. The Beyonder attacks them, but Doom persuades him that they are there to talk. But, again, the Beyonder used his powers to control the minds of others to do so. Druig is a member of the genetically engineered Eternals, which came to Earth around 5000 BC. Doom, however, began to wrestle with his new limitless nature, and started to become unstable. He can also fire powerful bursts of anti-matter energy and is capable of reactivating Manhunters with his power. Still, Gladiator called her (perhaps with typical comics hyperbole) "the most powerful being in the known universe" even in this stage of her existence. Fantastic, inform Spider-Man and the Lizard that they were flying in a hovercraft at low altitudes to avoid being detected. The Beyonder intended to see which one was stronger. Rosenberg noted that Los Angeles was a place you could experience everything, so the Beyonder left with their blessings. He could even reshape the world in the hidden thoughts of the Illuminati, if only they wished it to be so. This act not only saved the Beyonder, it showed him something about human character. The Beyonder appeared again, and tried to convince the Puma to be more like Parker, who knew his role in the scheme of things. [30], The Beyonder went to a South Seas island to contemplate. Because of this, Strange decided to let him out of the illusion. The train flew apart into all its component pieces. Dracula offers his assistance in return for getting to kill more heroes. Unable to answer or even counter the questions posed by Loki, Those Who Sit Above in Shadows fled. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. [50]. He disintegrated Warlock, Cypher, and Wolfsbane. [21], In the course of the "secret war," Doctor Doom used technological means to steal the Beyonder's apparently unlimited power and absorbed it into himself. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. Uatu importuned Reece to help them, but he refused, he just didn't want to get involved in such matters any more. Storm argued strongly against Rachel's plans, but she was going to do it anyway. He also transforms a television writer named Steward Cadwell into Thundersword. In contrast to the original event, Secret Wars II delves deep into The Beyonder's internal struggle to find fulfillment. Who can measure the advantages that would result if the magnificent abilities of these women could be devoted to the needs of government, society and home, instead of being consumed in the struggle to obtain their birthright of individual freedom? In order to interact outside their dimension the Beyonders are forced to operate through agents. Character Kubik appreciated and encouraged her questions about her place in the multiverse; it was unclear where exactly Kubik and Kosmos fit into this hierarchy of power. [12], Doctor Doom asked the Beyonder to make his mind complete. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him. These Cubes eventually develop and gain an intelligence and desires of their own. A great light then shone out of a hole in space, and infamously said, "I am from Beyond! [49] Despite this, he was claimed to be either omnipotent or nigh omnipotent on different occasions, and to have power millions of times greater than Multiversal scale. As everyone enters the kingdom they see that it is an ideal society, the planets inhabitants are at peace. [23], Months later, the Beyonder arrived on Earth to continue his study of humanity and of desire. Marvel characters can be divided into two categories: Superheroes and Supervillains. Almost everybody who is a dedicated Dr Doom fan knows that his most powerful form is God Emperor Doom - a version of Dr Doom who, with the help of Molecule Man's matter manipulation powers, managed to absorb the powers of thousands of Beyonders, essentially becoming a God. The Uncanny X-Men #203 (by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., Al Williamson, and Glynis Oliver), portrays The Beyonder's opportunity for redemption. [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. He realized that he "could erase the universe with a thought." [27], The Beyonder finally parted company with Vinnie, and used his powers to take complete control of every mind and even the very atoms making up the matter on Earth. The Beyonder was in such a deep depression that he was going to let the Thing kill him, but ultimately the Thing refused to give him the death blow, and let him live. This version of the Beyonder was not to be trifled with: he had little of the sense of wonder and respect for human life that the 616-Beyonder at least occasionally possessed. The Beyonder thus destroyed three planets (with a hundred billion inhabitants) with the wave of his hand, creating a firebreak that would temporarily stop the energy wave. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. The Beyonder then left. Jones also kept his gift of health, and Clark was transported to Rom's side, once again as a human. [5], Every now and then the Beyonders would shunt a modicum of energy to the universe, allowing sentient beings to use them to create Cosmic Cubesa practice they appear to have given up after the admonishments by Eternity and the Living Tribunal regarding the disruptive effect of these actions. Having nothing else to do, he decided to go along with the man. When they arrive the giant sand worms attack, but they are easily thwarted off by Doom's robot. In her battle with Molecule Man, the effects of their battle affected distant times, dimensions, and galaxies. Thanos confronts the Maker, and, by refusing to reveal its origins at a critical juncture, manipulates it to psychically shut down its own mind. This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. He offered the victors anything their hearts desired. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. This itself was later retconned by Jonathan Hickman, who established that the Beyonder was actually a child unit of the Beyonders. When Black Cat's father returned to the Red Skull he relized that he had been tricked into serving the evil intentions of the villian. There are several odd things about this story. Hercules tried to put him in a wrestling hold, but the Beyonder knocked him clean out of the mountain. He was still quite powerful but didn't compare to the likes of Eternity and the Living Tribunal. He had the power to achieve whatever he pleased. It convinced her that if she had enough power, she could resist the Dragon's evil. He is the secondary antagonist of the Battleworld arc in Season 4: Secret Wars. Later, as he walked through some slums, he met some heroin dealers. The Beyonder's unlimited power and his drive to experience desire like a human were a dangerous combination, which prompted the Molecule Man to take advantage of a moment of weakness and destroy the Beyonder's physical form, releasing his energy into another universe. The Beyonder then left after using Parker's toilet. Muramoto's new band was playing, and the Beyonder and Parker were watching. [12] Finally, the Beyonder creates a form for himself based on that of Captain America after witnessing him defeat Armadillo. After the events of Dr. Contents 1 History 2 Personality 3 Appearance 4 Powers and Abilities 4.1 Powers 4.2 Abilities 5 Paraphernalia 5.1 Equipment 5.2 Transportation 6 Appearances 6.1 Season 4: Secret Wars 7 Notes 8 Trivia 9 Gallery 10 In Other Medias and tv 11 Relationships History Black Cat later thanks Spider-Man with a kiss, meanwhile on Earth, Blade watches his mothers castle from a distant ledge while Morbius explains that he has connection with Black Cat and knows she is in safe hands. Impressed, the Beyonder appeared and asked what he should do with Kurse now. The Beyonders are a race of beings that exist "beyond" the Marvel multiverse. For the book by Brandon Mull, see, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beyonders&oldid=1141077256, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 06:33. This force is used by the kings of Asgard. He teleported into Nebula's ship and, thinking he was helping the Avengers, teleported her away from the scene. The Beyonder also empowered the Guardians to help in the assault. This is the first, or Cosmic Cube, retcon. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The celestial god soon grows discontent and adopts death as the only meaning in life. She did, and the New Mutants were freed of the Beyonder's attempt at forced enlightenment. She was scared, and he left. For this reason the Beyonder decided that the driving force of all sentient beings must be desirean emotional state previously unknown to himwhich manifested itself as a longing to grow; to be; to evolve into something that one is currently not in order to achieve a sense of completeness.