KJV Translations: neighbor, another, mate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7468, ( fem., ) Translation: PASTURE KJV Translations: pasture, flock Strong's Hebrew #: h.4830, ( masc., / mey-rey-a ) Translation: PARTNER Definition: One that shares. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. ( ) Definition: The senseless flowing of words. KJV Translations: sword, slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.7524, ( common, / r.ts.ah ) Translation: BORE.THROUGH (V) Definition: To pierce with a sharp object. KJV Translations: pavement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7531, ( fem., ) Translation: PAVEMENT Definition: [To be verified] A road of stones. KJV Translations: leper, leprous Strong's Hebrew #: h.6879, ( fem., ) Translation: INFECTION Definition: A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD (V) KJV Translations: subdue, spent, spread Strong's Hebrew #: h.7286, ( masc., ) Translation: MANTLE Definition: [To be verified] A wide piece of clothing. HEBREW LETTER RESH: 21: 300: : U05E9: HEBREW LETTER SHIN: 22: 400: . Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, / r.g.z ) Translation: SHAKE (V) Definition: To tremble in fear or anger. ( ) Action: Widen, Far Object: Tender, Long, Loins, Street Abstract: Width Definition: The reproductive organs of the male including the lower abdomen which are always covered. Points and punctuation. Modern Hebrew is easier to write and came about during the Babylonian exile when Jews started to use the squared-off form of letters similar to those prevalent throughout the Babylonian empire. KJV Translations: length, long, ever, high Strong's Hebrew #: h.0753. KJV Translations: dash, vex Strong's Hebrew #: h.7492, ( ) Definition: An unjustifiable killing or slaughter. Thus the Hebrew Tau, which means the sign of the cross, is translated conventionally as Th; and Teth, which means serpent, is translated conventionally as T. The best or most important. ( fem., / e-rets ) Translation: LAND Definition: The solid part of the earth's surface. The Bullae of the Son of from the City of David - Daniel Vainstub - Read online for free. KJV Translations: cedar Strong's Hebrew #: h.0730, ( fem., ) Translation: CEDAR.WORK KJV Translations: cedar work Strong's Hebrew #: h.0731, ( masc., ) Translation: BOUND Definition: [To be verified] Something bound securely with cords. Relationship to Parent: binding, ( common, ) Translation: ATTACH (V) KJV Translations: bind Strong's Hebrew #: h.7573, ( masc., ) ( fem., / rit-mah ) Translation: JUNIPER Definition: A species of tree, possibly the Juniper. ( masc., / ra ) Translation: COMPANION Definition: One that accompanies another in the sense of a close companion or friend. Declaring the End from the Beginning ( Reshyt) and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 46:10, 40:21 . Entertainment & Pop Culture; Geography & Travel; Health & Medicine; Lifestyles & Social Issues; Literature; Philosophy & Religion; Politics, Law & Government Spelling out [ edit] KJV Translations: cedar Strong's Hebrew #: h.0729, ( common, ) Translation: SHRIVEL (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be made thin. KJV Translations: tender, faint, mollified, soft Strong's Hebrew #: h.7401. KJV Translations: ride, rider, horseback, put, set, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7393, h.7395, ( masc., ) Translation: CHARIOT KJV Translations: chariot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7398, ( fem., ) Translation: CHARIOT KJV Translations: chariot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7396, ( masc., ) Translation: SADDLE KJV Translations: chariot, saddle, covering Strong's Hebrew #: h.4817, ( fem., / mer-ka-vah ) Translation: CHARIOT Definition: A light, two-wheeled battle vehicle for one or two persons, usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing position. KJV Translations: down, thin, steep Strong's Hebrew #: h.4174, ( masc., ) Translation: DESCENDER Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( ) Relationship to Parent: as coming down, ( common, ) Translation: HAIL (V) KJV Translations: hail Strong's Hebrew #: h.1258, ( masc., / ba-rad ) Translation: HAILSTONES Definition: A precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice. Relationship to Root: A relief from the heat from a wind. Alternate Translations: dispossess (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: possession, out, inherit, heir, possession, succeed, dispossess, poverty, drive, enjoy, poor, expel Strong's Hebrew #: h.3423, ( fem., ) Translation: PROPERTY KJV Translations: possession Strong's Hebrew #: h.3424, ( masc., ) ( fem., / mo-ra-shah ) Translation: POSSESSION Definition: Something that is personally owned. A symbol of compassion and love. The names of vowels, below, indicate how the nekkudot are pronounced by Ashkenazim as well as by Modern Hebrew speakers, whose accent has . In the sense of stirring the eyes. Hei or Hey is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. KJV Translations: bolster, pillow, head Strong's Hebrew #: h.4763, ( masc., ) Translation: FIRST Definition: [To be verified] The head of a time or position. A person in authority or role of leader. ( common, ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: displease, grieve, grievous, evil, ill, harm, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.3415. ( common, / r.b.b ) Translation: INCREASE.IN.NUMBER (V) Definition: To become progressively greater; to multiply by the production of young. ( common, / q.r.b ) Translation: COME.NEAR (V) Definition: To come close by or near to. KJV Translations: drip, breach Strong's Hebrew #: h.7447. KJV Translations: evil, evildoer, hurt, wickedly, worse, afflict, wicked, break, doer, ill, harm, displease, mischief Strong's Hebrew #: h.4827, h.7489. KJV Translations: pursue, persecute, follow, chase, persecutors, pursuer, flight Strong's Hebrew #: h.7291, ( masc., ) Translation: PURSUED KJV Translations: persecuted Strong's Hebrew #: h.4783, ( ) Definition: A trembling out of fear. Unlike our English alphabet, each individual letter in the Aramaic and Hebrew language has a known ancient symbol and meaning. KJV Translations: beam, shuttle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0708, ( masc., ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7572, ( masc., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding. ( ) Definition: A bringing, giving or approaching of someone or something to be close, at hand or among. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: window, chimney Strong's Hebrew #: h.0699, ( masc., ) Translation: AMBUSH KJV Translations: wait Strong's Hebrew #: h.0696. The point at which something starts; origin, source. KJV Translations: far, long ago, come, afar, old, long, space Strong's Hebrew #: h.7350, ( masc., ) Translation: FAR Definition: [To be verified] A distant place or land. KJV Translations: running Strong's Hebrew #: h.4794, ( ) Definition: The process of drying clay bricks or pots in the sun. ( ) Action: Crush, Run, Dry, Shatter, Murder, Fit, Swarm Object: Potsherd, Land, Course, Clay, Wound Abstract: Desire, Violence Definition: Broken pieces of pottery were commonly used as writing tablets as they were inexpensive and durable. KJV Translations: large, broad, proud, wide, liberty, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7338, h.7342, ( fem., / re-hhov ) Translation: STREET Definition: A thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. ( common, / r.w.ah ) Translation: SHOUT (V) Definition: To shout an alarm of war or for great rejoicing. Alternate Translations: best, first KJV Translations: beginning, firstfruits, first, chief Strong's Hebrew #: h.7225, ( fem., ) Translation: HEAD.PLACE KJV Translations: principality Strong's Hebrew #: h.4761, ( masc., / ri-shon ) Translation: FIRST Definition: The head of a time or position. KJV Translations: health, perfected, made Strong's Hebrew #: h.0724, ( masc., / o-rekh ) Translation: LENGTH Definition: A measured distance or dimension. Edenics: direct; track - with the exchange of the t and d; truck - with the exchange of the t and d KJV Translations: way, toward, journey, manner Strong's Hebrew #: h.1870, ( masc., ) Translation: STEP Definition: The distance between the feet of a step. Continuously. ( ) Definition: A weaving or wrapping. HEBREW: HAND OF GOD (10) - Letter 'Yod' YOD The tenth Hebrew letter ZYod is pictured at right: The rabbis picture Yod as a ZHand [. KJV Translations: tender, soft, weak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7390. KJV Translations: offering, oblation, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.7133, ( ) Definition: Spread out as a bed covering. Relationship to Parent: travel, ( common, / s.hh.r ) Translation: TRADE (V) Definition: The business of buying and selling or bartering commodities. KJV Translations: breadth, broad, thickness, largeness, thick, wilderness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7341, ( masc., ) Translation: WIDE.PLACE KJV Translations: large, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.4800, ( ) Relationship to Parent: being far, ( common, / r.hh.q ) Translation: BE.FAR (V) Definition: To be distant, a long way off. ( common, / y.r.sh ) Translation: POSSESS (V) Definition: To come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion; o receive from an ancestor at his death; to take possession, either by seizing or through inheritance. KJV Translations: throw, break, overthrow, destroy, pull, ruin, beat, pluck, destroyer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2040, ( masc., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. Paste selected hebrew text symbols to your application by tapping paste or CTRL+V. ( ) Definition: The tenderness of the loins. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: net Strong's Hebrew #: h.7568, ( masc., ) Translation: PERMISSION KJV Translations: grant Strong's Hebrew #: h.7558, ( masc., / tar-shish ) Translation: TOPAZ Definition: Possibly the Topaz, which may be yellow, gray, white, pink, green or blue in color. ( common, / r.b.h ) Translation: INCREASE (V) Definition: To become progressively greater; to multiply by the production of young; to be abundant of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: bed, furrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6170. ( common, ) Translation: SPIT (V) KJV Translations: spit Strong's Hebrew #: h.7556, ( masc., / ra-qiq ) Translation: THIN.BREAD Definition: Dough that has been spread thin before baked. Combined these mean "man outside". Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: cypress Strong's Hebrew #: h.8645, ( masc., ) Translation: CEDAR Definition: A coniferous tree from the cyprus family having wide, spreading branches. KJV Translations: merchandise, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.7404, ( masc., ) Translation: TALEBEARER Definition: A traveler selling stories and songs. We could combine shin-yud-tav to create shith (to put or set, Strong's 7896). In it is the word for poor Rash, but when it is filled the power of the Aleph it becomes Rosh , head or first, expressing the Firstness, Oneness, and Eternity of the Creator, and the . KJV Translations: street, ways, place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7339, ( masc., / ro-hhav ) Translation: WIDTH Definition: Largeness of extent or scope. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: lion Strong's Hebrew #: h.0738 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0744. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). ( ) Definition: The tenderness of the loins. The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is resh, a Hebrew word meaning "head." Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." ( ) Action: Travel, Tread, Trade, Ride, Smell Object: Path, Wind, Moon, Aroma, Dawn, Merchandise, Chariot Definition: The responsibilities of the nomad outside of the tent include the feeding, watering and caring for the livestock. KJV Translations: ewe, sheep Strong's Hebrew #: h.7353, ( common, / r.hh.ts ) Translation: BATHE (V) Definition: To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. The character. Small in form, the meaning of the Yod is great. All rights are . The letter Yod is the most common letter in the Hebrew Torah. 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants. KJV Translations: faintness Strong's Hebrew #: h.4816, ( common, / r.hh.b ) Translation: WIDEN (V) Definition: To increase the size of an area wide; large; roomy. ( ) Definition: A covering of a large area. ( masc., / ar-yeyh ) Translation: LION Definition: A large carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat. The Ancient picture for this letter is , a picture of the two front teeth. KJV Translations: purple, scarlet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0710 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0711, ( masc., / ar-ga-man ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. KJV Translations: spirit, wind, breath, side, mind, blast, vain, air, anger, cool, courage, space, enlargement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7305, h.7307, ( fem., / re-wa-hhah ) Translation: RESPITE Definition: A relief from labor, punishment or trouble. ( masc., / ri-sah ) Translation: OVERTHROWN Definition: To ruin or break into pieces by throwing or pulling down. KJV Translations: vision, lookingglass Strong's Hebrew #: h.4759, ( masc., ) Translation: MIRROR Definition: [To be verified] A looking glass. Besides these two symbols, another extremely popular one is chai. ( masc., / te-raph ) Translation: FAMILY.IDOL Definition: A household idol of a god, possibly believed to have a healing power. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7569, ( fem., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding together or as bound on the wrist or neck. KJV Translations: shout, shouting, alarm, sound, blowing, joy Strong's Hebrew #: h.8643. Alternate Translations: betray (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: deceive, beguile, throw, betray, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7411 Aramaic Definition: In the Aramaic this word means to "cast down." Alternate Translations: at all KJV Translations: only, nothing, except, but Strong's Hebrew #: h.7535, ( fem., ) Translation: TEMPLE Definition: [To be verified] The side of the head as a thin spot. The Middle Semitic script is also the origin of the Greek letter and the Latin R. KJV Translations: mule, dromedary, beast Strong's Hebrew #: h.7409, ( masc., / re-khush ) Translation: GOODS Definition: Something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want; personal property having intrinsic value but usually excluding money, securities and negotiable instruments. ( masc., / ra-ham ) Translation: LIFTED Definition: Raised up in position or in exaltation. In Hebrew the character Resh is used to represent the number 200. KJV Translations: first, former, beginning, chief, before, old, foremost, aforetime Strong's Hebrew #: h.7223, ( masc., ) Translation: VENOM Definition: The poison of serpents that comes sacks located in the head. A journey as a treading. Ancient Hebrew alphabet: The early Semtic Hebrew alphabet and the paleo Phoenix Hebrew (Mesha stone engraved) alphabets consist 22 letters read from right to left . KJV Translations: merchant, trade, pant, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.5503, ( masc., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. Its origin as a geometrical symbol in Kabbalah is veiled in mystery. 5 of them have special end forms (e.g., Kaph); together with the final characters there are 27 signs, but still 22 letters. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: violence Strong's Hebrew #: h.4835. on the northern Syrian coast. Hebrew is an ancient language with many interesting features! KJV Translations: sling Strong's Hebrew #: h.4773, ( ) Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, / r.g.n ) Translation: WHISPER (V) KJV Translations: murmur Strong's Hebrew #: h.7279, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a trampling, ( common, ) Translation: BE.TUMULTUOUS (V) Definition: [To be verified] To gather in a crowd in the sense of a loud tumult. When a wicked person wants to correct their bad behavior and return to being a good person, he goes a step back, there he "meets" the letter , which as we said represents holiness. KJV Translations: secret Strong's Aramaic #: a.7328, ( fem., ) Translation: CYPRESS Definition: [To be verified] A tree similar to a cedar. Resh-aleph could be used for the name Ra. ( fem., ) Translation: KITE Definition: An unknown bird of prey with a keen sense of sight. KJV Translations: root Strong's Hebrew #: h.8327, ( masc., ) Translation: ROOT Definition: The underground part of a plant. The earliest characters originally consisted of symbols, from which the today's digital signs originated. KJV Translations: banishment Strong's Aramaic #: a.8332. KJV Translations: haughtily Strong's Hebrew #: h.7317, ( masc., ) Translation: HEIGHTS Definition: A place of considerable or great elevation. Strong's Number: 7218 AHLB rey-sheet Summit The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. These potsherds were commonly used to send messages from one person to another, usually carried by runners. KJV Translations: savour, smell, scent Strong's Hebrew #: h.7381 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7382, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a path, ( common, / d.r.k ) Translation: STEP.UPON (V) Definition: To take a step. Download accompanying notes: Resh 73 x 100 73 in the New Testament 73 in the Old Testament Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh Watch on Alternate Translations: be brought near (when written in the niphil [passive] form); bring near (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: offer, near, bring, nigh, come, approach, at hand, present Strong's Hebrew #: h.7126 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7127, ( masc., / qe-rev ) Translation: WAR Definition: [To be verified] From its closeness in the fight. The path or manner of life. The point at which something starts; origin, source. KJV Translations: destruction Strong's Hebrew #: h.2035. It reveals the science behind this ancient mystical art.